Relax, relax.
In most of the houses there is a make-up air (combustion air supply)intake near furnace/hot water tank. Because the furnace/water heater is much closer to the make-up air than to the range, at the place of the combustion, the draft from the range hood is ignorable under most of the situations.
And fireplace. If you have a gas burning fireplace (most models less than 20 years old), its intake and exhaust are all ended at the exterior so, again, no worry. If you have a wood-burning fireplace, just don't use it when your hood fan is on.
CO detector is a life saving gadget. Houses built after 2003 should have a CO detector installed by builder. I've installed 2 CO detectors in my house, one in the second floor hall, the other in the basement.
中文讲, 事不过三。 Had you given me three relaxes, I could have put my feet up. You certainly knew how high efficient furnace works ( the combustion air goes directly into the t furnace). I don't have fresh air intake near furnace and hot water tank any more. I bear in mind to keep opening the window when rang hood is on. Also I need to pay attention to any research refers to this issue. It will be grateful if you can give some solid evidence or tell me some HVAC codes in Ontario.
There are 3 CO detectors in my house. One in the basement did not go off when gas slowly leaked from hot water tank.
反正我是没买HRV也没加甚么mak-up air,但我常开门窗通风,冬天也开。
您老看好了,我说的是“送气管”,不是指吸气口。 吸气口多大我没注意,我只看见室内的送气管还是很粗的,一个很粗的出气口分出四根6”管,所以我想那出口怎么也得10”。 出来的6”管有两根又各分出两根4”奔小卫生间,厨房和主卫是6”管直接上去了。我那小厨房还分去一个,嘿嘿。我要引一条给basement的卫生间,买的是4”管还得用大小头分支,所以还是研究了一下的。
负压,估计是单位惹的事儿。一说有1000帕的压差就觉得不得了,其实吹口气都比这压力大。 谁要是能用抽油烟机抽出高原反应来,那不是神了?
中文讲, 事不过三。 Had you given me three relaxes, I could have put my feet up. You certainly knew how high efficient furnace works ( the combustion air goes directly into the t furnace). I don't have fresh air intake near furnace and hot water tank any more. I bear in mind to keep opening the window when rang hood is on. Also I need to pay attention to any research refers to this issue. It will be grateful if you can give some solid evidence or tell me some HVAC codes in Ontario.
There are 3 CO detectors in my house. One in the basement did not go off when gas slowly leaked from hot water tank.
我说,咱别那么好坏分明行不?要是负压真的不是问题,make up air这事儿也不至于被写进building code不是?
我不是说了吗,空气流向。这毛病出在压差上。不好意思,我这儿没法画图也实在懒得敲那么多字。简单点,还是氡气的例子。氡气特别能钻,那儿压力低它就往那儿钻。通常的basement slab都是素混凝土,透气的,而房子的墙、顶棚都是密封的,要是屋子里面再稍稍有点负压,氡气含量一下就上去了。这可不是我编的,真有人测过。