


Auditor's draft report alleges Tories misspent G8 funds

The auditor general says the Harper government allegedly misinformed Parliament to win approval for a $50-million G8 fund that lavished money on dubious projects in a Conservative riding.

And she suggests in a draft report the process may have been illegal.

The findings are contained in the draft of a confidential report Sheila Fraser was to have tabled in Parliament on April 5. The report analyzed the $1-billion cost of staging last June's G8 summit in Ontario cottage country and a subsequent gathering of G20 leaders in downtown Toronto.

It was put on ice when the Harper government was defeated and is not due to be released until sometime after the May 2 election. However, a Jan. 13 draft of the chapter on the G8 legacy infrastructure fund was obtained by a supporter of an opposition party and shown to The Canadian Press.

All four main parties called for the auditor general's final report to be released before the first televised leaders debate on Tuesday, in the wake of the Canadian Press report.

The draft reveals that a local "G8 summit liaison and implementation team" — Industry Minister Tony Clement, the mayor of Huntsville and the general manager of Deerhurst Resort, which hosted the summit — chose the 32 projects that received funding. It says there was no apparent regard for the needs of the summit or the conditions laid down by the government.

The auditor general's office said Monday morning it would not comment on the story, and said Fraser does not give interviews on any matters during elections.

It will be an issue because of the perfect timing but a temporary issue due to its nature. It is really a no-issue.

After all, it is only a draft report that was "leaked" illegally. Furthermore, the GA herself cautioned the public not to jump to any conclusions until the release of the formal report.

Even if everything is true, it is about $50 million that were used for trees, street sidewalks, public constructions etc. for a region that happens to be a conservative riding. This is really nothing comparing to the liberal scandal, which is so scandalous that there are still billions of dollars not accounted for. Nobody knows where the money ended up until now!
Opinion polling in the Canadian federal election, 2006


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It will be an issue because of the perfect timing but a temporary issue due to its nature. It is really a no-issue.

After all, it is only a draft report that was "leaked" illegally. Furthermore, the GA herself cautioned the public not to jump to any conclusions until the release of the formal report.

Even if everything is true, it is about $50 million that were used for trees, street sidewalks, public constructions etc. for a region that happens to be a conservative riding. This is really nothing comparing to the liberal scandal, which is so scandalous that there are still billions of dollars not accounted for. Nobody knows where the money ended up until now!

For these who are interested, the following is the whole issue:

The funding request was not made in a transparent manner

2.11 - In November 2009, Supplementary Estimates (B) 2009-10 were tabled in the House of Commons. They included an item of $83 million for the "Border Infrastructure Fund relating to investments in infrastructure to reduce border congestion" (Exhibit 2.1). The Treasury Board Secretariat provided us with documentation showing that the intention was to use $50 million of this $83 million for G8 Summit projects. We noted, however, that this was not disclosed in the funding request made to Parliament through the Supplementary Estimates. Therefore, when Parliament considered the Supplementary Estimates as tabled, the request only indicated that money was to be used to reduce border congestion.

The funding request was not made in a transparent manner

2.13 - In our view, by presenting the request for funding in this way the government was not transparent about its purpose. Parliament was not provided with a clear explanation of the nature of the approval being sought or that these expenditures would not be required to meet the pre-existing terms and conditions of the Border Infrastructure Fund.






领导人的辩论记分卡: 哈珀(5), 林顿(4),叶礼庭(3.5),杜塞(3.5)

哈珀很快适了应新环境,清楚地通过摄像机向全国人民说明: 本次大选是选出一个保守党多数执政的强大和稳定的国家或选得一个不计后果的联盟执政的危及经济的联邦政府。(满分5)

林顿,一个资深的政治辩论家,轻松地微笑着,通过他平易近人的语气,向哈珀和叶庭礼开炮和向全国人民解说: 联邦政府已破碎,只有新民主党能修复它(四分)




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