
"蔑视国会" (contempt of Parliament) 其实就是三家反对党给哈博安了个 "不听反对党的话的罪名"。举手表决,推翻现政府, 要求大选。

The Liberal leader said Harper was found in contempt of Parliament by the Speaker of the House of Commons, twice. That's not technically true.

The Speaker found a prima facie case of a breach of privilege and sent the matter to a committee. The Speaker himself cannot find anyone in contempt, Parliament does.

The opposition voted March 25 to support a motion asking the House to agree with the finding of a committee that determined the government was in contempt, and that it had lost confidence in the government.

Harper's response was that this vote was not a ruling by a court or the Speaker. "It was just the three other parties that outvoted us."

from "Fact-checking the leaders' debate "

"蔑视国会" (contempt of Parliament) 其实就是三家反对党给哈博安了个 "不听反对党的话的罪名"。举手表决,推翻现政府, 要求大选。

um...Harper was given a lecture on democracy:D that's hilarious:cool:


60%以上的加拿大选民并不卖叶教授的帐!加拿大总理还要美国教授来教民主? 广大选民认为是叶教授滑稽。
Lebral 扯淡

"蔑视国会" (contempt of Parliament) 其实就是三家反对党给哈博安了个 "不听反对党的话的罪名"。举手表决,推翻现政府, 要求大选。

The Liberal leader said Harper was found in contempt of Parliament by the Speaker of the House of Commons, twice. That's not technically true.

The Speaker found a prima facie case of a breach of privilege and sent the matter to a committee. The Speaker himself cannot find anyone in contempt, Parliament does.

The opposition voted March 25 to support a motion asking the House to agree with the finding of a committee that determined the government was in contempt, and that it had lost confidence in the government.

Harper's response was that this vote was not a ruling by a court or the Speaker. "It was just the three other parties that outvoted us."

from "Fact-checking the leaders' debate "


In both English and French debate, Jack Layton is the best performer by comparing to Harper and Ignatief.

It is unfortunate that Ignatief will not have chance to merge two parties, which would be supported by 55% Canadian voters.

Prof. Ignatief, go back to Havard!
The currect PC was formed by merging two right-wing parties several years ago. It can also be called a "coalition".

If Lib merges with NDP with Layton as the leader, I think Harper PC will be out of office without any doubt.

Canadian election system has some problem, PC has only about 39% votes vs. Liberal's 29% votes, but the seat projection says PC would have double the numbers of seats of the Liberals. This is really "fake" democracy.
The currect PC was formed by merging two right-wing parties several years ago. It can also be called a "coalition".

If Lib merges with NDP with Layton as the leader, I think Harper PC will be out of office without any doubt.


Canadian election system has some problem, PC has only about 39% votes vs. Liberal's 29% votes, but the seat projection says PC would have double the numbers of seats of the Liberals. This is really "fake" democracy.




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Layton and Duceppe are so passionated and articulated in the debate... while the same couldn't be said of Harper.