
  1. 十字路口


    如有兴趣,请QQH我。 1. 白色电水壶,工作良好。 水烧得非常快。 $5.00
  2. 十字路口

    [寻找] one bechelor or one bedroom sublet

    Hey all, I'm looking for one bechelor or one bedroom(apartment) sublet which is convenient to CU. I want to move in either in Sep.,Oct., or Nov. Please email me @ urdoris@hotmail.com or QQH me. Thanks
  3. 十字路口

    [问题] 怎么量三围&bra的选择

    各位jjmm们,很不好意思开口。。 来这边后胖了好多,想量量自己的三围 也好控制自己的shape 但不知道该怎么量:blowzy: 还有,从国内带的bra已经开始不fit了。。 不知道怎么选择合适自己的bra... :blowzy: 谢谢jjmm们帮忙了。。。 :blowzy: :blowzy: :thanks:
  4. 十字路口


    谢谢大家 :thanks: 我虽然不瘦 但也不至于用fat形容 :mad: 一定是他太瘦的原因!
  5. 十字路口


    you are fat! 那是不是就说他对你不感兴趣? :crying: :crying: :flaming:
  6. 十字路口


    谢谢各位 :thanks: :thanks:
  7. 十字路口


    :eek: 真不知道 不送钟我知道为什么 送伞错在哪里? 麻烦指点一下 免得我以后闹更大笑话
  8. 十字路口

    Marriage: before and after

    :eek: 结婚,真神奇
  9. 十字路口


    想送给朋友 谢谢大家 :thanks:
  10. 十字路口

    CMA event--connections Sep. 19, 2003

    seminars at Connections: Stephen Kaplan, author of "don't wait'til you graduate" (12:00pm, 2:15pm, 3:45pm) Learn how to distinguist urself from the crowd of job applicants with similiar qualifications, so u can emerge as THE successful job applicant! Collen Clarke, author of "networking"...
  11. 十字路口

    CMA event--connections Sep. 19, 2003

    Connections 2003 Friday, September 19, 2003 11am to 5pm Metro Toronto Convention Centre North Downtown Toronto You can travel to Connections 2003 via a special bus subsidized by CMA Canada-Ontario. Ottawa @CU: $30/return ticket Pick-up at CU at the Campus Avenue Bus Stop (across from...
  12. 十字路口

    CMA event--connections Sep. 19, 2003

    You could also contact me at 222-3912 for further information and registration froms
  13. 十字路口

    CMA event--connections Sep. 19, 2003

    Connections 2003 Friday, September 19, 2003 11am to 5pm Metro Toronto Convention Centre North Downtown Toronto You can travel to Connections 2003 via a special bus subsidized by CMA Canada-Ontario. Ottawa @CU: $30/return ticket Pick-up at CU at the Campus Avenue Bus Stop (across from...
  14. 十字路口


    眼睛下面有了皱纹 :crying: :crying: 真实岁月不饶人啊 大家有什么眼霜推荐么?? :crying: :crying: 谢谢 :thanks: :thanks:
  15. 十字路口


    各位姐姐妹妹 我在一星期前穿了耳洞 现在换耳钉的时候,还是很疼 而且一只耳朵现在有发炎的倾向 期盼着姐姐妹妹给我一些耳洞护理的小常识 谢谢谢谢谢谢了! :thanks: :thanks: