CMA event--connections Sep. 19, 2003


Connections 2003

Friday, September 19, 2003
11am to 5pm
Metro Toronto Convention Centre North
Downtown Toronto

You can travel to Connections 2003 via a special bus subsidized by CMA Canada-Ontario.
Ottawa @CU: $30/return ticket
Pick-up at CU at the Campus Avenue Bus Stop (across from the Steacie and Unicentre buildings)
Departing at 6:30a.m., arriving in Toronto at 12 noon- Departing Toronto at 4:10 p.m., arriving at CU at 10:00pm.

To attend, you must be your 2nd, 3rd or 4th year, or in an MBA program. You MUST also be Associate Members of CMA Ontario: membership is only $26.75 and includes a wide range of additional benefits, including employment counselling, research services and access to our Summer Employment and Co-op Services. The membership registration form is available on our website at
You could also contact me at 222-3912 for further information and registration froms
seminars at Connections:

Stephen Kaplan, author of "don't wait'til you graduate" (12:00pm, 2:15pm, 3:45pm)
Learn how to distinguist urself from the crowd of job applicants with similiar qualifications, so u can emerge as THE successful job applicant!

Collen Clarke, author of "networking" (1:30pm, 3:00pm)
Learn how to network effectively with employers at a busy career fair, so u can make a strong impression upon employers!

Mary Vigrow, Employment Counsellor at CMA Canada-Ontario(12:45pm only)
Learn how to make your resume stand out and how to succeed in job interviews!

Each seminar runs for 30 minutes starting at the times specified abvoe.Plan to attend all 3 seminars so you can practise applying the tips immediately at Connections 2003 and get your resume onto the employer's short list!