
  1. 1351


    I believe that this website can give you some ideas about learning English here in Gatineau. http://cswq.wqsb.qc.ca/default_en.htm
  2. 1351


    I should say yes. Could you be more specific? Study? Kids? Or other major concerns? This way, it will be easier for others to help you. Good luck!
  3. 1351


    I think the best way now is go online with faster Internet service. Good luck! Meanwhile, you can find some Chinese satelite TV service providers Advertisements from Chinese newspapers.
  4. 1351

    孩子能上HUll 、Gatineau或Alymer 的英语高中吗?

    I have found the following information for you: Eligibility Under the Charter of the French Language, children in the following three categories may be enrolled in English-language schools: children who are permanent residents of Québec and who qualify for a certificate of eligibility for...
  5. 1351

    请推荐魁省Hull区比较好点的Driving School

    You can contact SAAQ and ask them by following the link: http://www.saaq.gouv.qc.ca/en/driver_licence/exchange/index.php From my understanding, you have to exchange your foreign licence within 12 months. So, you may have to go through driving courses like LZ. Good luck!
  6. 1351

    【报税问题】怎么pay魁省的drug plan

    I am pretty sure you will have payment instructions on the Notice of Accessment. Moreover, your financial institution can help you about this. The answer of 'hijmmu' sounds good as well. Personally, I have not done this kind of transfers between 'Federal' and 'Québec'. I believe that you can...
  7. 1351

    【报税问题】怎么pay魁省的drug plan

    Do you mean the calculation result of you tax return is a positive figure, which is mostly because of the Drug Plan? If so, you still need to pay the amount to Revenu Québec. I do not know if it is possible to you, but I can pay Revenu Québec by online banking. Here is the information if you...
  8. 1351

    请推荐魁省Hull区比较好点的Driving School

    According to the new Quebec law, you have to attend a driving school since January 17, 2010. If you have a valid Chinese driving license, it should be a different story.
  9. 1351

    【报税问题】怎么pay魁省的drug plan

    In Québec, every one has to participate in an insurance plan for prescription drugs. If you are working and have group insurance benefits including drugs, you have nothing to do with the public drug plan. Otherwise, you are under the public drug plan. The cost of this plan, i.e. ‘要交魁省的drug...
  10. 1351


    You are welcome. I am sure there will be better ones than my version, though.
  11. 1351


    Win in love, loss in money
  12. 1351


    Please read all the information available again. They do have part-time links. 11. Is it possible to take a part-time course? Where are these courses given? Yes, the Ministère also offers part-time courses in various class locations. See Part-time course. 12. Are part-time courses different...
  13. 1351


    Please follow this link: http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/informations/questions-answers.html#french And Pay attention to this: 27. I lived in another Canadian province for five years and I have been in Québec for two months. Can I take full-time courses? No. To be eligible for...
  14. 1351

    请教: 这句话如何翻译

    It is really hard to help without the context. Could you please give us more information?