Ford Focus 非常费油

Yes, 12L/100KM is too much for Focus. I got V6 Escape, which only consume 10L/100KM, with similar mileage as yours...

Besides of having the car checked, you may want to check if you have changed your driving habits or routes recently. With a same Escape, people can easily go up to 15L/100KM gas consumption :-)

2010年的车,开了1万4千公里,现在一箱油跑不到400 公里, 机器上也显示每百公里12个油。这么个小车,比人家的truck还费。

刚买来的时候, 一箱油可以跑550多,当时机器显示 6-7 个油 。觉得美国车也省油呢。

去dealer那里,他们说没什么问题。如果我非要他们检查,要交100刀的检查费。 如果检查出是机器问题, FORD 免费修,但是,他们说应该没问题。这问题出现也是在去他们那里换油不久的。不会他们故意搞鬼吧。以后是不打算去那里做维护了。

郁闷!感觉FORD 新车也是垃圾。

Yes, 12L/100KM is too much for Focus. I got V6 Escape, which only consume 10L/100KM, with similar mileage as yours...

Besides of having the car checked, you may want to check if you have changed your driving habits or routes recently. With a same Escape, people can easily go up to 15L/100KM gas consumption :-)


Combined 50/50. My best record was 9L/100KM this summer :-)

Still pretty impressive for an SUV. Highway only, My 6 cyl can normally get 7.5l/100KM.:p

FOCUS 是FORD 最小的车,不知是1。6 还是1。8。

我以前是开HIGHWAY的, 车很省油,一箱油能跑 TORONTO。对这小车很满意。
现在的确是在DOWNTOWN 开,但我错开高峰时期,一般也不太堵车的。出问题之前通常是 7-8个油。

我还是按照要求定期去DEALER 维护的。前不久去换的油,oil is W20,



Thanks for all the suggestions. The dealer is Campford on Carling ave. They are not helpful at all.

I tried one person's suggestion, and it seems back to 7 for now.

first reset the millage, then fill with better gas, run on highway.

He quotes: "avoid filling up if there's a big truck resupplying the gas at the station" . He says that "it stirs up the sediment" in the gas, and then you pump it into your car. So best to find a station where they are not resupplying.

Our guess is that we somehow filled a bad tank of gas. But it takes many tanks to clean it away. So we drive with 12/100 for maybe a month, frustrating.
我的V6 Escape 基本上 12个油城市,如果高速 加市区,可能能到10个, 不过已经习惯了,没了 就加,管他几个,反正不是为了省油买这个车的。 要不然 就买focus了~~~
我3.5L, 6缸的美国车 2006年的,也就12L。 50%highway。