不小心掉进 BELL 的陷阱

举个例子,比如你对计算机很不了解,结果它死机了,你只能着Computer Technician解决,他收费是一次CAD¥70,发现只是一个系统参数设置错误,他花了1分钟解决了。这不是一样吗?
1。 BELL 自己的章程:Technician 在工作前必须告诉用户什么是要 Charge 的,Charge 多少钱。可他没告诉我他把内线给连上了,而且要Charge 多少钱。我把他当 Gentleman, 相信他不会蒙我钱,没细问就签了字。我生这个气。
2。如果我不会接这个线,Charge 多少钱,我都会认,这跟简单不简单没关系。事实上我会接。而且事前MINTO的INSPECTOR还教了我怎么连这个线。还给我画了图,注了说明。BELL 这么作是不是明设陷阱?
If you can ...

If you can PROVE that you didn't ask this service before getting this service, legally you can refuse to pay for the service. It's about the liability in Canadian Common Law.
Re: If you can ...

最初由 ottql 发布
If you can PROVE that you didn't ask this service before getting this service, legally you can refuse to pay for the service. It's about the liability in Canadian Common Law.

How can I prove I didn't ask the service? I just filled a form from internet to apply for changing phone number. I filled everything NO for services in the form. But Bell's CSR said there was not related item in the form. I didn't make phone call to Bell and didn't visit Bell's agent before that. Bell couldn't prove I asked this service but my signing. I couldn't prove I didn't ask the service because of the signing.