我也学过一点 关于 缺铁性贫血的知识。 这是老师上课幻灯片的内容
Eat hem rich foods (red meats, shellfish,
Enhance the absorption of non-hem iron by including vitamin C at the same meal
Be aware that some foods interfere with non-hem iron absorption (excess bran,
strongly brewed tea, oregano)
Only take iron supplements at the advice of
a dietitian or physician
Cook foods in black cast iron pots and pans
综上, 吃红肉,贝类,动物肝脏(但老师有说 肝脏 虽然含铁丰富 但是动物饲养 吃的 不健康的食物,所以要平衡它的利弊) 喝橙汁,含维C多的东西, 帮组吸收。 少喝含咖啡的东西,还有像花生酱啊,没有烤过的坚果等 都不利于 铁的吸收。 还有就是用铁锅。 最后 要在医生的指导下去 服用补铁的药物