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Some of our banking fees are changing.
As of June 1, 2003, the following revised service fees will be in effect:
Service Fee
Cheque Certification
Account Holder
Non Account Holder
NSF items if returned (cheques, pre-authorized payments, bill payments, TD Canada Trust loan payments, etc) $30.00
Stop Payment with complete details (cheque, pre-authorized payments) $10.00
Returned Item (includes mail advice to payee) (Business Accounts only) $5.00
Close account within 90 days
(no charge if transferred to another TD Canada Trust account) $15.00
Search and photocopy an item processed within past 90 days $5.00
per item
Dormant, inactive and unclaimed account notices
Two-year notice
Five-year notice (no charge if acknowledged
within 60 days)
Nine-year remittance
Any Canadian, U.S., Foreign/International Draft $6.50
Request for refund or replacement of lost or stolen draft $10.00
OVERDRAFT PROTECTION1(Personal Accounts only)
Overdraft protection is available on Chequing and U.S. Dollar Accounts, subject to credit approval, up to your approved overdraft limit.
Note: Our standard rate of interest for overdrafts not covered by Overdraft Protection is 21% per annum, plus a $5.00 Presentment Fee for each overdraft transaction. $2.00
per month
(plus overdraft interest charge)