今天车被撞了,撞我车的人开车飞速逃跑了, 我该怎么办?

在安省,基本的车保险有几项coverage是强制性的,其中包括Uninsured Automobile Coverage,官方定义如下:

Uninsured Automobile Coverage - Protects you and your family if you are injured or killed by a hit-and-run driver or by an uninsured motorist. It also covers damage to your vehicle caused by an identified uninsured driver.​

也就是说安省的强制保险在责任人没有保车险的情况下,只保受害人,不保车。对于hit-and-run找不到肇事者的情况,语焉不详,但是估计规定类似。35 楼的经验,证明的似乎是 the hit-and-run drive was identified later 的情况。 TD Insurance 的网站明确说,其Uninsured Automobile Coverage 不包括“Damage to the vehicle caused by a hit-and-run...".

而BelAirDirect 只是在其Collision Benefit (可选项目)下,"Coverage is also provided if your vehicle is damaged by an unidentified hit and run driver or if damage is caused by an uninsured driver if your vehicle is damaged by an unidentified hit and run driver or if damage is caused by an uninsured driver."

建议楼主还是好好看看你的 Insurance Policy, 看看有没有哪个项目提到cover damage to your vehicle caused by an unidentified hit and run driver.

不知道楼主的车被撞成什么样子了。。 但是我想告诉你一些信息。。如果你的车被拖走,没有保险。。在拖车的地方每一天都是要算钱的,而且自己付, 如果保险公司cover的话还好。。 我觉得楼现在需要考虑最坏的打算: 找不到肇事者, 车是要修还是要报废。。 别到时候拖车这边的钱都是问题。。 我当时有车祸的时候也很头大, 很同情你的Case
I experienced the same hit and run, and I had no idea even what happened, it just happened so fast, I was totally shocked.

I only know there is another van hit me from behind after I lost control, and run into his lane. So he reported the accident. The police even came to my house to check on me.

But I got the police report, said it's a hit and run. My insurance company wrote off my car, and gave me a rental car in the meanwhile. My insurance is one way, so I don't cover my own car. But since it is other people's fault, they did everything for me, like I am totally covered.

I don't even know who hit me, not even got any information from the Van, my insurance comapny did everything alone.

So you need to find some witness to convince the insurance company.
在安省,基本的车保险有几项coverage是强制性的,其中包括Uninsured Automobile Coverage,官方定义如下:

Uninsured Automobile Coverage - Protects you and your family if you are injured or killed by a hit-and-run driver or by an uninsured motorist. It also covers damage to your vehicle caused by an identified uninsured driver.​


建议楼主还是好好看看你的 Insurance Policy, 看看有没有哪个选项里cover damage to your vehicle caused by an uninsured motorist (unidentified). 当然,如果你有全保就没问题了。




在安省,基本的车保险有几项coverage是强制性的,其中包括Uninsured Automobile Coverage,官方定义如下:

Uninsured Automobile Coverage - Protects you and your family if you are injured or killed by a hit-and-run driver or by an uninsured motorist. It also covers damage to your vehicle caused by an identified uninsured driver.​

也就是说安省的强制保险在责任人没有保车险的情况下,只保受害人,不保车。对于hit-and-run找不到肇事者的情况,语焉不详,但是估计规定类似。35 楼的经验,证明的似乎是 the hit-and-run drive was identified later 的情况。 TD Insurance 的网站明确说,其Uninsured Automobile Coverage 不包括“Damage to the vehicle caused by a hit-and-run...".

而BelAirDirect 只是在其Collision Benefit (可选项目)下,"Coverage is also provided if your vehicle is damaged by an unidentified hit and run driver or if damage is caused by an uninsured driver if your vehicle is damaged by an unidentified hit and run driver or if damage is caused by an uninsured driver."

建议楼主还是好好看看你的 Insurance Policy, 看看有没有哪个项目提到cover damage to your vehicle caused by an unidentified hit and run driver.


I am very unlucky. Actually, I was just changed my insurance from full to third party last year, I drove many years with safety. So I think I am a good driver. When I was going to renew my contract with the insurance co. last year, I found it was much cheaper that full insur., so I was switched to it. However, this happened.....。 I will check my insurance policy again, I found some terms are not very clear.

Thank you
I experienced the same hit and run, and I had no idea even what happened, it just happened so fast, I was totally shocked.

I only know there is another van hit me from behind after I lost control, and run into his lane. So he reported the accident. The police even came to my house to check on me.

But I got the police report, said it's a hit and run. My insurance company wrote off my car, and gave me a rental car in the meanwhile. My insurance is one way, so I don't cover my own car. But since it is other people's fault, they did everything for me, like I am totally covered.

I don't even know who hit me, not even got any information from the Van, my insurance comapny did everything alone.

So you need to find some witness to convince the insurance company.

Thank you for your information, I will negotiate with them again.
不知道楼主的车被撞成什么样子了。。 但是我想告诉你一些信息。。如果你的车被拖走,没有保险。。在拖车的地方每一天都是要算钱的,而且自己付, 如果保险公司cover的话还好。。 我觉得楼现在需要考虑最坏的打算: 找不到肇事者, 车是要修还是要报废。。 别到时候拖车这边的钱都是问题。。 我当时有车祸的时候也很头大, 很同情你的Case




谢谢你,我现在有点怕开车了,我这几天坐公车上班了。当然以后,你提到的这个小型摄像机, 我一定要买一个。希望象你说的这道坎 过了就顺了。真心谢谢你,

I am very unlucky. Actually, I was just changed my insurance from full to third party last year, I drove many years with safety. So I think I am a good driver. When I was going to renew my contract with the insurance co. last year, I found it was much cheaper that full insur., so I was switched to it. However, this happened.....。 I will check my insurance policy again, I found some terms are not very clear.

Thank you
I experienced the same hit and run, and I had no idea even what happened, it just happened so fast, I was totally shocked.

I only know there is another van hit me from behind after I lost control, and run into his lane. So he reported the accident. The police even came to my house to check on me.

But I got the police report, said it's a hit and run. My insurance company wrote off my car, and gave me a rental car in the meanwhile. My insurance is one way, so I don't cover my own car. But since it is other people's fault, they did everything for me, like I am totally covered.

I don't even know who hit me, not even got any information from the Van, my insurance comapny did everything alone.

So you need to find some witness to convince the insurance company.
In the past, insurance company has to decide whose fault, and what percentage before they fix the car, that takes time. Now, it is NO fault policy. Your insurance company (according to your policy) pays all the fee first, and later based on findings (whose fault, and what percentage), your company will charge the other car insurance company.
As for LZ, since her policy only covers third party only, hence there is no way her insurance company can get money back.
LZ lives in Ottawa is lucky, if she lives in Toronto, car insurance is double that in Ottawa.
There are many ways to lower your car insurance (I am NOT an insurance broker, I ask my insurance broker to find the best deal for my family, and I stick to the same guy since 1993, and I live in Toronto - the address on my driver license).
1. You bundle with your house insurance, that can give you 10 % discount
2. Increase your liability, i.e. the first 500 (or 1000) is yours
3. Annual payment instead of monthly payment
4. Weekend driver (i.e. not drive to work)
5. Limit number of KM per years

Good luck
if your car value is still higher than $10000, you should not change insurance to the third party coverage year ago. Even you are good driver, but you can't gurenty others are good driver too. This time depends on how much will charge you for the repairing. and after repairing, your car value will go down a lot, , because nobody like damaged vechicle when it resale.
I am very unlucky. Actually, I was just changed my insurance from full to third party last year, I drove many years with safety. So I think I am a good driver. When I was going to renew my contract with the insurance co. last year, I found it was much cheaper that full insur., so I was switched to it. However, this happened.....。 I will check my insurance policy again, I found some terms are not very clear.

Thank you

Base on what you wrote, I think your insurance agent failed to tell you the importance of full coverage.

Usually, if your car is brand new, the first 3 years is 100 %, i.e. if someone stole your car, you have 100 % of the car value. (i.e. bumper to bumper), and started the fourth year, there is formula based on model, make of your car, that will be reduced to x % (from 100 %), and your fee is also lowered accordingly.

If I were you, I will find another insurance broker. Find someone who has patience to explain to you all the fineprints (insurance covering/contract).

I myself would rather spend a couple of dollars more to have better service, this, I have peace of mind in future. (THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH).

Luckily, we "comefromchina" and a lot of nice people who is willing to share their experience, to me, this is exactly the spirot of comefromchina.

Good luck
Base on what you wrote, I think your insurance agent failed to tell you the importance of full coverage.

Usually, if your car is brand new, the first 3 years is 100 %, i.e. if someone stole your car, you have 100 % of the car value. (i.e. bumper to bumper), and started the fourth year, there is formula based on model, make of your car, that will be reduced to x % (from 100 %), and your fee is also lowered accordingly.

If I were you, I will find another insurance broker. Find someone who has patience to explain to you all the fineprints (insurance covering/contract).

I myself would rather a couple of dollars more to have better service, this, I have peace of mind in future. (THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH).

Luckily, we "comefromchina" and a lot of nice people who is willing to share their experience, to me, this is exactly the spirot of comefromchina.

Good luck

