建议大家不要去加东(EASTVIEW TRAVEL) 买机票

最初由 亚马逊怪兽 发布
我包着怀疑的心态去问了AIR CANADA REFUND SERVICE, 加航内部说应该是退
$1430的25%. 我的很多朋友同学都退了票(他们不是在加东买), 但是只罚了他们买的价格的25%, 都是只罚200,300! 对于这件事我觉得是受到欺骗, 因为买票的时候他们并没有讲清楚所有的问题. 我很理解旅行社要赚钱天经地义, 但是不公正的做生意是不会有客户的.

我把这件事说出来给大家提个醒, 买机票要找有信誉服务好,价格公正,诚实可靠的旅行社! [/B]
Eastview Travel is a fair and reasonable travel agency. I have been using them from 92. They do make mistakes from time to time. However, overall speaking they are the best in town. I disagree with what you said here. The 25% cancellation fee applies to the ticket price which is 2779. The refund services of air canada may or may not understand you. Your ticket are bulk ticket purchased by the travel agent. The actual ticket price is not what you paid. If you tell the air canada agent that the ticket price is 1430, she will tell you what you want to hear. That's not fair and not accurate either.
Re: Re: 建议大家不要去加东(EASTVIEW TRAVEL) 买机票

最初由 jstar 发布

Eastview Travel is a fair and reasonable travel agency. I have been using them from 92. They do make mistakes from time to time. However, overall speaking they are the best in town. I disagree with what you said here. The 25% cancellation fee applies to the ticket price which is 2779. The refund services of air canada may or may not understand you. Your ticket are bulk ticket purchased by the travel agent. The actual ticket price is not what you paid. If you tell the air canada agent that the ticket price is 1430, she will tell you what you want to hear. That's not fair and not accurate either.

I think Eastview Travel is suck man !!! I am not going to Eastview Travel anymore ( for personally).
我帮加东买了几次机票, 没有发生过不满意的状况.

我PERSONALLY觉得加东不错, 尤其欣赏其服务态度. :)
最初由 亚马逊怪兽 发布
我本来是5月8号回上海的票($1430),由于加航CANCEL班机,加东通知我改9号出发.这些本来都没什么问题的. 后来由于国内的SARS严重起来,我去加东CANCEL了机票. 在一开始买票的时候他们说是"你要CANCEL的话要罚款25%的票面价". 我算了一下也就是375(1430X25%)左右. 可是我5号去做CANCEL的手续时, 居然被要求罚款25% OF $2779!!!! 加东说我买的是打折票, 2779才是原价. 这样一来我要罚690多!!!(我不太明白2779是哪里来的数字, 他们也没有提供任何证据证明)
我包着怀疑的心态去问了AIR CANADA REFUND SERVICE, 加航内部说应该是退
$1430的25%. 我的很多朋友同学都退了票(他们不是在加东买), 但是只罚了他们买的价格的25%, 都是只罚200,300! 对于这件事我觉得是受到欺骗, 因为买票的时候他们并没有讲清楚所有的问题. 我很理解旅行社要赚钱天经地义, 但是不公正的做生意是不会有客户的.

我把这件事说出来给大家提个醒, 买机票要找有信誉服务好,价格公正,诚实可靠的旅行社!

My personal view is not with either side as I know nothing about eastview or the air ticket. But I just want to point out that one should be careful to post something here to blame any one or any business as Canada is a lawful society and anything here posted and discussed could be used by a person or a business as proof to sue you if it feels that its reputation is damaged. So if it's just your feeling and maybe misunderstanding, it's better to resolve yourself but not to broadcast and convince others not to go with them. If you have problem with he or she (like in other poster someone don't like some doctor) or a particular business, you can go to any bureau which is in charge of the such person and business to make a claim or tell your friend your experience. Anything further than that should be careful.
仔细看一下,我在帖子里没有诽谤谁,我在陈述的是整个事件和表达我自己的想法而已~~~我相当明白加拿大是法制国家~~~ 当然也是有言论自由! 你不喜欢可以不要进来看。

我给大家提个醒罢了, i don't think i did anything further.
Re: Re: 建议大家不要去加东(EASTVIEW TRAVEL) 买机票

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

My personal view is not with either side as I know nothing about eastview or the air ticket. But I just want to point out that one should be careful to post something here to blame any one or any business as Canada is a lawful society and anything here posted and discussed could be used by a person or a business as proof to sue you if it feels that its reputation is damaged. So if it's just your feeling and maybe misunderstanding, it's better to resolve yourself but not to broadcast and convince others not to go with them. If you have problem with he or she (like in other poster someone don't like some doctor) or a particular business, you can go to any bureau which is in charge of the such person and business to make a claim or tell your friend your experience. Anything further than that should be careful.

yes. you are right, but he already proof eastview travel is cheat their customer refund price. Thank you for you share your experience to us !!!
I agree opinions of most people. EastView is NOT fair agent. I know Tain Bao can refund 25% of which we paid. That means Air Canada accept this policy. If Eastview refund less, that means they keep the rest. Of course, we can not say Eastview is the worst. But still we need to think again before we buy tickets from Eastview. Maybe their service is ok, but the rescheduling or cancelling policy is very bad.
最初由 ydj 发布
I agree opinions of most people. EastView is NOT fair agent. I know Tain Bao can refund 25% of which we paid. That means Air Canada accept this policy. If Eastview refund less, that means they keep the rest. Of course, we can not say Eastview is the worst. But still we need to think again before we buy tickets from Eastview. Maybe their service is ok, but the rescheduling or cancelling policy is very bad.

I agree with you!!!
最初由 secret girl 发布
我帮加东买了几次机票, 没有发生过不满意的状况.

我PERSONALLY觉得加东不错, 尤其欣赏其服务态度. :)

对你笑一笑并没有实质性意义, 在票价,退赔和改期上让客户满意才是真正的服务好, 其实, 这笑容只是对着你口袋里的钞票的.