Q. I own a condominium in Florida that has a cost amount of $120,000. Am I
required to file Form T1135 if the property is:
(a) only for personal use?
(b) rented out for eight months of the year with a reasonable expectation of
profit and kept for personal use the other four months?
(c) rented out year round with a reasonable expectation of profit?
A. If the property is personal use property (i.e., property owned by you that is
used by you or someone related to you primarily for personal use and
enjoyment) you do not have to report the property on Form T1135. As a
result, in situation (a), you would not need to report the condominium since
it is held primarily for personal use and enjoyment.
In situations (b) and (c), the property is an income-earning investment
property that is not held primarily for personal use and enjoyment. As a
result, since the cost amount is more than $100,000, you have to file
Form T1135.
海外房产能不能算作principle residence property? 这个问题搞清楚了,其它的问题就都迎刃而解了。