现在说说您的第三个问题“3. What is a principal residence in Income Tax Act, please see
http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tp/it...20r6-01-e.html, sorry I don't have time to finish”
我查了一下,Tax Act英法对照写的,一共好像1000多页吧? 一般人能读完General Income Tax and Benefit Guide(俗称税法指南吧)就不错了(好像是50多页吧),您让我一个一般人读那么深奥、大部头的税法(Tax Act),等于是让我读天书啊!
在我的帖子里,我曾这么写过“请教PeaceLand,就我的情况而言,中国的房子可以算作principal residence property吗?
对于加拿大境内什么样的房子可以算作principal residence property,税务局有明确的规定,这个我查得到。
但是对于海外房产可不可以算作principal residence property,好像税务局没有明确的规定吧?”
您看,您还是不仔细看我写的东西!到现在您才认识到“I'm not sure the house in China can be the principal residence. In Income Tax Act, section 54 don't montion the situation.”!
不过这次您说了“The "Ordinarily Inhabited" Rule (housing unit must be ordinarily inhabited. in the year by the taxpayer or by his or her spouse or common-law partner, former spouse or common-law partner, or child), if you don't live it more than 1 year, I think you may not count it as your principal residence.”