
I had a similar experience: I got a ticket at 1 hour parking area saying parking at no parking zone. I took a picture of parking sign and went to court, and the ticket was dismissed on court.

Here is the normal procedure:

1. With a parking ticket, you should go to city hall. When asked if you want to pay, you can say no. Then you are sent to the room next door to talk to a clerk. The clerk will typically offer you half price of the ticket if you are willing to pay. Otherwise you can request to go to court. You can request officer presence, and a translator.

2. You can also request for disclosure at the same time. The bylaw officer's notes can be made available to you to get more information.

3. Wait for court and appeal not guilty, so you will confront the officer and provide your evidence.

It is just a parking ticket so it is not a big deal. Worst case, you lose and you pay, but you get more experience. My case was dismissed due to lack of evidence. So I didn't figured out why I got the ticket at the first place.

Thank you.


The Heron Road Bridge

苍鹭路桥梁 是桥梁 Ottawa 加拿大。 它连接 Baseline 路 和 Heron 路 通过在两个 Rideau 河 和 Rideau 运河 正义南部 Carleton 大学. 1966 年桥梁被修筑了, 并且它的建筑看了严重事故的当中一个在渥太华历史上。 在 August 10, 1966 部份地完整桥梁崩溃了, 杀害九名工作者和伤害另外五十五。 调查以后发现设计是有毛病的。 对在桥梁东边, 有今天匾尊敬九名工作者被杀害。



who is 首席坑爹? 俺只知道有个坑妈CanMa!:p

俺第一张也是唯一的(希望是最后的一张)一张罚单也是在楼主说的那片地儿。 俺当初也觉得俺听得没错,也觉得不罚前车不罚后车就罚我,很不解很委屈,后来同事说那地儿是雷区,那些看似停着没事的车都是有登记的,而且那里准停不准停间隔特别小,一不小心就着了,那里有警察定点罚款创收的。

反正我是再不敢在那地段停车了。 :)