精华 2010-2011最新的渥太华地区高中排名


The foundation of the Report Card is an overall rating
of each school's academic performance. We base our
Overall rating out of 10 on the school's performance
on six indicators, all of which are derived from province-
wide tests of literacy and mathematics skills that
are administered by the province's Education Quality
and Accountability Office (EQAO). They are:

(1) the average level of achievement on the grade-9
EQAO assessment in academic mathematics;

(2) the average level of achievement on the grade‑9
EQAO assessment in applied mathematics;

(3) the percentage of these grade-9 EQAO
assessments in mathematics that did
not meet the provincial standard;

(4) the percentage of Ontario Secondary
School Literacy Tests (OSSLT) that
were not successfully completed;

(5) the difference between male and female
students in their average levels of achievement
on the grade-9 EQAO assessment in
academic mathematics; and,

(6) the difference between male and female students
attempting the OSSLT for the first time in
their rate of successful completion of the test.

We have selected this set of indicators because they
provide useful insight into a school's performance. As
they are based on annually generated data, we can assess
not only each school's performance in any given year
but also its improvement or deterioration over time.

我对巴屯印象很好, 住着很温暖.

要求划分到Manotick是顺着你的意见说的, 其实我们是 South Nepean.:D



有一家公司叫 Coscan builder,现已离开我村,我比较喜欢他们的设计。Minto 和它比起来,那真是差得太远。
Coscan builder房子没见过,:blowzy:。要只论房子外型,我最喜欢Cardel。

Minto有的房型外观也不错吧,比如riverbend C?
Coonle by 街面上的房子很老, 但里面有一个富人区, 叫Rothwell , 房子都百万起, 看着眼热。
Coonle by 街面上的房子很老, 但里面有一个富人区, 叫Rothwell , 房子都百万起, 看着眼热。


另外,从Montreal Road进入那个区后,第一个路口左转,进去看看。N年前去过,那房子!