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我承认 iPhone 最接近完美,但我不喜欢。我承认 WP 极漂亮极流畅,但我不喜欢。我承认 Android 有缺陷,但我喜欢的不得了。我为什么喜欢 Android――我不喜欢框框与限制,我不需要别人告诉我什么样子是好的。我喜欢在那些百花齐放的设备和多种多样的界面里去做自己的选择。

为什么我喜欢 Android 呢?先举几个例子:

iOS 只能有一种样子,那就是16宫格;WP 只有一种样子,那就是一个个方框。它们都很漂亮,但问题在于,它们只能是这个样子。

iOS 横着划动选择应用,WP 竖着滑动选择应用。横着划竖着划无所谓,但问题在于,它只能是这个样子。

这就是我为什么喜欢 Android――只需要一个Launcher,它可以是我想要的任何样子。

iOS 说,3.5寸是最好的;WP 说,800*480是唯一的。我不喜欢这些限制。

iOS 和 WP 都利用伪多任务的机制,把UI渲染排在最优先的级别。我更喜欢真正的多任务。

这就是我为什么喜欢 Android――我不喜欢框框与限制,我不需要别人告诉我什么样子是好的。我喜欢在那些百花齐放的设备和多种多样的界面里去做自己的选择。


兼容性问题历来是被吐槽的。可我想的是,看看电脑:我们有几十种不同的处理器,几十种不同的显卡,几十种不同的分辨率――为什么没人去质疑微软应该将硬件统一?为什么出问题的时候我们会觉得是程序有问题,不说 Windows 太分裂了?

同理,如果 Android 应用在不同配置的设备上出了问题,我觉得是应用本身有问题。(当然从另一个角度说 Android 也应该统一一下贴图格式等标准)


Android 会不会像 Windows 般一统天下?大概不会,我不知道。

吓一跳,英文是 感谢Riven的投递的
这转贴机器人叛变了,删贴封ID :D:D:flaming::flaming:
"I dun wanna use my phone the way Jobs tells me to".

Iphone 其实可以越狱,但是越狱之后就不是原来的iOS了,就好比windows换掉Explorer.exe之后也不是Windows一样。
我一同學剛把她的andorid賣了,並且,never leave apple again...

even though apple is going downwards, but it is still a design-driven company
我承认 iPhone 最接近完美,但我不喜欢。我承认 WP 极漂亮极流畅,但我不喜欢。我承认 Android 有缺陷,但我喜欢的不得了。我为什么喜欢 Android――我不喜欢框框与限制,我不需要别人告诉我什么样子是好的。我喜欢在那些百花齐放的设备和多种多样的界面里去做自己的选择。

为什么我喜欢 Android 呢?先举几个例子:

iOS 只能有一种样子,那就是16宫格;WP 只有一种样子,那就是一个个方框。它们都很漂亮,但问题在于,它们只能是这个样子。

- it is about personal preference, and you r only talked about the home interface. It is something highly subjective

iOS 横着划动选择应用,WP 竖着滑动选择应用。横着划竖着划无所谓,但问题在于,它只能是这个样子。

这就是我为什么喜欢 Android――只需要一个Launcher,它可以是我想要的任何样子。

- it is about personal preference, and you r only talked about the home interface interaction. It is something highly subjective

iOS 说,3.5寸是最好的;WP 说,800*480是唯一的。我不喜欢这些限制。

iOS 和 WP 都利用伪多任务的机制,把UI渲染排在最优先的级别。我更喜欢真正的多任务。

multitasking on a tiny screen?

这就是我为什么喜欢 Android――我不喜欢框框与限制,我不需要别人告诉我什么样子是好的。我喜欢在那些百花齐放的设备和多种多样的界面里去做自己的选择。

Thats it?

兼容性问题历来是被吐槽的。可我想的是,看看电脑:我们有几十种不同的处理器,几十种不同的显卡,几十种不同的分辨率――为什么没人去质疑微软应该将硬件统一?为什么出问题的时候我们会觉得是程序有问题,不说 Windows 太分裂了?

同理,如果 Android 应用在不同配置的设备上出了问题,我觉得是应用本身有问题。(当然从另一个角度说 Android 也应该统一一下贴图格式等标准)

This is totally bias, upgrade is a basic rights for consumer who do not want to buy a new phone every new OS comes out, but would like to be benefited with new features( it might be features that are hidden under the hood, such as security), even apple and MS offer you the ability to upgrade ur OS once or twice:p... and again, you should also thank for the variety of hardwares phone manufacture offers

Android 会不会像 Windows 般一统天下?大概不会,我不知道。
Yes, if Android can still be worthwhile as a viable business uint at Google, do you know how much $$$ Google made from Android system and its software eco system?

Again, yes, but you never know what MS is going to do next...They are in bad situation now, but they are just like the 1990s apple, and in a slight better position.
I am not saying android is bad, but, it is too wild, and has less taste
I am not saying android is bad, but, it is too wild, and has less taste

要我说烂大街的玩意才是没taste. 这么说有意思么。

Multi-tasking 不仅仅是多窗口。还有一个后台service的问题

iOS不支持真正的后台service, 挂个msn一会儿就掉线,这是design缺陷。

user interface本身就是个preference的东西,一个能变,一个不能变,哪个好?这里面没有最好只有更好。有的人喜欢被forced down the throat, 有的人不喜欢。

要我说烂大街的玩意才是没taste. 这么说有意思么。

I am only talking about design, more people using it on the street does not mean it is a bad design or bad taste. On the street, you can see both Andorid and iOS users... They are dominating the market anyway...

Multi-tasking 不仅仅是多窗口。还有一个后台service的问题

iOS不支持真正的后台service, 挂个msn一会儿就掉线,这是design缺陷。
It is an engineering problem, not design, please consult the definition of design. Plus, what MSN client are you using on an iOS? I do not think iOS provides OS level support for MSN... QQ, Weixin, Skype, etc are working perfectly on my phone. Personally, I feel it is too annoying that I got notified by all those messages all the time.

user interface本身就是个preference的东西,一个能变,一个不能变,哪个好?这里面没有最好只有更好。有的人喜欢被forced down the throat, 有的人不喜欢。
U do not have to go that far, but as I said earlier, it is a preference, and personal taste too


Not sure what you mean, I think it is valid to discuss something, if have developed for both platforms as a designer/develoepr. Also, as you mentioned in earlier post, both devices are on the street everywhere.
I'ts a bloody architectural design problem, not engineering challenge.

Every OS supports background services, except iOS. If it ain't the bloody architecture, it ain't a problem.

By the same token, apps in iOS have problems talking to each other.

plz don't argue engineering design with me if you're not from that background.
Not sure what you mean, I think it is valid to discuss something, if have developed for both platforms as a designer/develoepr. Also, as you mentioned in earlier post, both devices are on the street everywhere.

What's the point in discussing if you've never even used it?

if everything came down to personal taste, why the fuck are people even discussing? my taste > ur taste?

Poing being: If you like IOS ui, you can make Android look like EXACTLY like it. But you can't make IOS look like anything else but itself.
More choices > less choices.


Logical discussions are logical. Eg:
1. Background Services:
Android +1
iOS -1

2. Power management:
Android -1
iOS +1

3. Battery Life:
Android +1
iOS -1

4. UI Customization:
Android +1
iOS -1

5. HW flexibility:
Android +1
iOS -1

6. Application API flexibility
Android +1
iOS -1

.. get the gist?

What's the point in discussing if you've never even used it?
Who told you i never used it? If you wanna develop something, you have to use it... I use it as a toy not a day to day phone, coz it does not satisfy my needs.
if everything came down to personal taste, why the fuck are people even discussing? my taste > ur taste?
Watch your language
and i was correcting your perception in terms of the how you perceived 爛大街. Andorid has more market share, why you do not think it is 爛大街. Coz you would not notice it?

Poing being: If you like IOS ui, you can make Android look like EXACTLY like it. But you can't make IOS look like anything else but itself.
More choices > less choices.
You do not have to stick with apple's UI guideline and you can do anything you want when you make apps. when you make android look exactly like an iOS, can you get same user experience as native iOS?

NO, you should only talk whatever to your fellow engineers, not to us. coz whatever you are talking about, they are not factors for me to make decision to purchase a smartphone

Logical discussions are logical. Eg:
1. Background Services:
Android +1
iOS -1

Depends on what tasks, and what you do with background services, as I mentioned earlier, how many tasks do you need to do at the same time with such a tiny screen? The push notification feature works well on iPhone

2. Power management:
Android -2
iOS -1
if Android's power is worse than Apple, then I guess it is much worse. I think the power on iOS is already bad enough.
3. Battery Life:
Android +1
iOS -1
it is pretty bad

4. UI Customization:
Android +1
iOS -1

As you said who cares, 75%people do not even connect their smart phone to computer? why would they bother to customize the UI. This is a fake question.
5. HW flexibility:
Android +1
iOS -1
i am not an engineer, why would I care. It does whatever I need
6. Application API flexibility
Android +1
iOS -1

again, as an USER I DON'T CARE
.. get the gist?
No you don't get it... and you have no appreciation for design(and if you haven't look up for the definition, please do so) nor understand what design is, and TASTE does not mean you have money to buy a bmw 1 series coupe...