最初由 mike 发布
最初由 迷迭香 发布
最初由 DoDo 发布
最初由 蝎子 发布
Greatly appreciate your critique. Just realized the grammatical mistakes I had made in my post. However, if you have read "What's Bred in the Bone" by Robertson Davies, "The Shipping News" by Annie Proulx, even "Hackleberry Finn" by Mark Twain and "Harry Potter" by J.K. Rowling, and many other works by European and North American authors, you should find that the expressions such as "you is" and "I is" have been used fairly frequently in colloquial English. It is exactly because of the nature of diversity, liveliness, and invigoration of English that has kept this language alive and still going strong, as opposed to the dead language Latin which is infamous for its grammatical strictness and rigidity. Yet I do agree that as a beginner of learning a language, you should make sure your grammer is absolutely correct.
P.S. I don't see that there is anything wrong with the expression "hard labour".
最初由 迷迭香 发布
说实话,我也觉得蝎子提什么Proulx, Rowling的有炫耀之嫌。可是就拿您这种认为volunteer只能当名词用的水平来评价蝎子的英文能力恐怕还不能让他人信服。
蝎子本人呢,让我看是too simple, sometimes naive.![]()
最初由 蝎子 发布
Darling XiaoYe, honey, you really are making fool of yourself here. Now we all know where the mad cow disease is from.
Oops, sorry DoDo and 迷迭香, I blew it, again. I did try, damn hard, to hold back. I tried to listen to you good people about the virtue of a noble gentalman/gentalwoman, and whatnot. But the temptation for a mischief was so strong that I simply couldn't resist it. I know, I know, it was a "cheap shot", but then poor XiaoYe wouldn't understand it anyway, so no harm done. Now I shall just take my humility and quickly sequester myself to my humble little hideout. au revoir.
Wait, 迷迭香,I want to thank you for your generous remarks. I noted this time it was only "simple" and "naive", much better than "malicious". Admit it, I must have impressed you, mustn't I, albeit a little pompously.