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I use Scotia since the first day in Canada
I like it, at least better than Royal Bank and Bank of Montreal
最初由 next123 发布
我以前还是很满意Scotia Bank的服务的,但对这件事的处理我只能感到愤怒。事情还没有完,我希望这只是个别人的作法,但如果最终证实这确是Scotia银行的policy,我就决不会再用这家银行了。
最初由 enjoy 发布
我以前还是很满意Scotia Bank的服务的,但对这件事的处理我只能感到愤怒。事情还没有完,我希望这只是个别人的作法,但如果最终证实这确是Scotia银行的policy,我就决不会再用这家银行了。

The guy who took money has the debit card and the correct pin, the ATM must pay him money. When you open an account in Bank, the assistant must have told you "never never tell others the pin even your spouse". It's your fault to let others know your pin. //cft

There is something wrong with the bank, they should freeze the money deposit later for some time before it's clear. At least, President Choice Financial will freeze the part over 1000 until it's clear.
最初由 grey 发布
The guy who took money has the debit card and the correct pin, the ATM must pay him money. When you open an account in Bank, the assistant must have told you "never never tell others the pin even your spouse". It's your fault to let others know your pin. //cft

There is something wrong with the bank, they should freeze the money deposit later for some time before it's clear. At least, President Choice Financial will freeze the part over 1000 until it's clear.
这是我和我太太的joint account,我们不至于傻到让别人知道我们的暗码的。道高一尺,魔高一丈。你没有体验是感觉不到的。倒霉的人永远只是极少数的,但如果不关心这极少数的案例,说不定哪一天这事就会落到你的头上的。到那时你就不会说得那么潇洒了。;)
最初由 wuwei 发布
After read your post, I changed my debit card password this morning
Maybe it's better to change it frequently
最初由 grey 发布
After read your post, I changed my debit card password this morning
Maybe it's better to change it frequently
GREY还真有幽默感啊! 司令夫人准偷摸藏了个小金库. :lol:
最初由 Dean 发布

That's for credit card
big difference
最初由 enjoy 发布

最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布

hehe, if you want to buy a computer @ 1500
how to buy it