J jstar 知名会员 注册 2003-04-18 消息 253 荣誉分数 9 声望点数 128 2003-06-01 #24 最初由 sharp 发布 大家可能都看过了...照顾菜鸟..呵呵, 瞧瞧吧,那是谁啊 点击展开... Hi, I only remember Lao Shao (Shao Yan Ming) sitting front row on in the middle.
最初由 sharp 发布 大家可能都看过了...照顾菜鸟..呵呵, 瞧瞧吧,那是谁啊 点击展开... Hi, I only remember Lao Shao (Shao Yan Ming) sitting front row on in the middle.