If you managed to have a company that buys a FLEET of cars, i.e. that company is the first owner. After six months, you can change the name back to you (i.e. you are secondary owner). This is what I HEARD. Buying a fleet is much cheaper, like car rental company buying 20 Malibu and after sometime (e.g. Hertz, after six months), dumping those cars into used car market. For details, you can find some CAR Broker who shops around for you.
"團購" tough to find five persons.
If you can pay US CASH (NO finance), the cheapest is to buy the car from US (if you can get finance from an American Bank, another story, if not you have to pay CASH), that is the reason why in US, cars are much cheaper, and Canadian are better financially then US, hence Canadian car companies won't match their US counterparts.
What you have to do is (or problem) is to ship it back to Canada, and Canadian car warranty.
Now Toyota has promotion, CASH incentive is very attractive (better than zero per cent finance). Actually, the best investment (if you have cash) is to pay down mortgage.
Do the mathematics and good luck.