修理 / 选购 电脑

Can you fix LCD monitor? BTW, may I ask if any power supply for LCD are all the same?
Do you sell notebook parts? I need a cdrom and a battery for Toshiba s-pro 480CDT, cdrom right sided, battery model is PA2487u. Please let me know the price, I mean the total cost, as PARTS+SHIPPING+SERVICE CHARGE.


最初由 justin8848 发布
Do you sell notebook parts? I need a cdrom and a battery for Toshiba s-pro 480CDT, cdrom right sided, battery model is PA2487u. Please let me know the price, I mean the total cost, as PARTS+SHIPPING+SERVICE CHARGE.


I will give you the final price next Monday or Tuesday. I hope you sinecrely want this service.
The cdrom is broken, and I decide to not to fix it. And I am missing the battery. I guess I only need the parts, and delivery, maybe so help will OS installation.
我的slave硬盘前几天重装Windows XP后就拒绝工作了,cannot be recognized by BIOS,你有办法吗?
Wait, I am not one of the KIDS. I have been talking to him for a while...