I wish the time stand still...


Often times the more lonely you are, the more you are lonely....
It is not because of the autume, not the moon, not because of you, but the frustrating laughters and tears in this colourful world, that it is too colourful, that you could not distinguish white from the black, dark exterier being......someone said, foul is fair and fair is four, nay. What is the meaning of life, and I got lost....
I used to stand by the Faculty of Fine Arts, looking curiously into the door, searching for the refreshing ladies and handsome boys, they are attractive and energetic, who are as emotional, and who are sincerely humane; and even their way of wrapping their hair is inspiring. It has been 15 years and I am no longer young, however, something in the memory could not easily fail. Am I who I am? Or did I transcend into another being? I know not.....
I guess staying indoor is going to drive me crazy, tomorrow I am going to walk my soul out....
Hope this helps:
" Its core idea is that we have too many choices, too many decisions, too little time to do what is really important. [...] Taking care of our own "wants" and focusing on what we "want" to do does not strike me as a solution to the problem of too much choice."

Read this book:" Paradox of Choice, Harper Perennial 2004" by Barry Schwartz.
I guess staying indoor is going to drive me crazy, tomorrow I am going to walk my soul out....


很忧伤的浪漫着.小资! 你还真找对地方了. :D
Hope this helps:
" Its core idea is that we have too many choices, too many decisions, too little time to do what is really important. [...] Taking care of our own "wants" and focusing on what we "want" to do does not strike me as a solution to the problem of too much choice."

Read this book:" Paradox of Choice, Harper Perennial 2004" by Barry Schwartz.

:cool: that's so sweet of you.....you are really smart! Definitely I will.
:cool: that's so sweet of you.....you are really smart! Definitely I will.


要么I wish that time stands still, 要么 I wish time would stand still,再不行就 I wish I could make time stand still. 再再不行就 If time could stand still....其他的让北大校长给你重写吧。偶真没明白你想说啥:blowzy:

要么I wish that time stands still, 要么 I wish time would stand still,再不行就 I wish I could make time stand still. 再再不行就 If time could stand still....其他的让北大校长给你重写吧。偶真没明白你想说啥:blowzy:

看来这孩子已经焦虑的很了, 中文已经无法表达情绪了,结果就整出这几段来, 唉, 可怜的孩子。:)
看来这孩子已经焦虑的很了, 中文已经无法表达情绪了,结果就整出这几段来, 唉, 可怜的孩子。:)


作者: lesyeux
该揭谜底了,诗中的“他”不是我的爱人,而是 JESUS。 当我在恐惧和彷徨的时候,我就来到"他"的面前,"他"是我的挚友。神奇的事情就是这样发生了,一段已经走到尽头的爱情又重新点燃了,而且就在昨天晚上;尽管我不做声,安静的品尝苦苦的滋味,却等来了甜美的安慰,我的爱人并不可能知道我所思所想的,因为他在大洋的另一边。所以我说是奇迹。当我对人生充满了沮丧和失望,感到没有希望的时候,我没有其他路可走,就来到“他”的面前,使“他”的爱可以覆庇我,而“他”又一次向我彰显了他的大能,挽救了我们的婚姻,修复了我内心的伤痕,在我徘徊的时候带领我走出痛苦和挣扎。“他”是我苦难和挣扎中的人生导师,“他”能托起我的生命,“他”能把我从死茵幽谷带入果实丰美之地。



要么, 要么 I wish time would stand still,再不行就 I wish I could make time stand still. 再再不行就 If time could stand still....其他的让北大校长给你重写吧。偶真没明白你想说啥:blowzy:

I wish that time stands still 太正经 加一个that变的太formal
I wish I could make time stand still. 太矫柔做作,并且真知道I could not
If time could stand still....不能表达愿望是我发出来的,是我的wish

I wish the time stood still 因为太无奈

I wish the time stand still 刚好可以表达我的strong desire and unsubmissive attitude towards the fact 差一个字也无法充分的表达我的思想
看来这孩子已经焦虑的很了, 中文已经无法表达情绪了,结果就整出这几段来, 唉, 可怜的孩子。:)

说我呢吧 Sometimes you need someone who share the same code of thoughts to talk with you, if one cannot understand your words, it is not that your words are not intelligible or that someone is not understanding, but you think in different ways by nature.