Joseph Prince

在这样的 “preaching grace” 的 情况下,怎样处理“规劝” 和“责备”,倒是个 好题目,值得再着探讨。
Let’s take a look at some of Prince’s other teachings and them see how they line up with the Word of God.

A sampling of Joseph Prince’s false teachings:

Nothing but blessings for the believer
No longer a need to be concerned about God’s Judgment
Repentance and confession of sin is never necessary
Wealth is for all Christians
God is continually restoring “New Truths” to the church—-New Revelations
Prince’s personal revelation from God is: “More grace; less judgment”
Prince believes that God WILL NOT JUDGE America because of the cross
The Moral law has no bearing on Christians today; it was abolished with the Ceremonial law
Prince says that he never encountered anyone that said “now I can go out and sin because of grace”
Repentance means “Only to turn around”

第二种观点的潜在性后果是,对物质财富的占有合理化,被财富捆绑,比如Binny Hinn,失去节制,以至于沉沦。


我想每个人的答案或许不同,Joseph Prince的讲道很有保罗的风格,但是有趣的事,人听了基督的话心里就被洁净,人听了保罗的话却分党了,为什么呢?我想保罗的讲道不是适合所有人的,而只是适合犹太人听(虽然他传福音给外邦人),他强调的重点其实都是指向犹太人的问题的,并非外邦人的问题。而犹太人在基督里却成为了真正意义上的外邦人,外邦人得救的却成为了基督徒。Joseph和保罗都没有讲错,讲的是基督降临的意义,劝人归主,好像天使在街上拉人进去坐席的;但是别忘了,坐席完后,还有被从筵席上赶出来的,因为他们“没有穿礼服”,礼服是什么呢?我想就是义行了。



Introduce a pastor - Paul Washer

Paul Washer

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Paul David WasherNationalityAmericanEducationSouthwestern Baptist Theological SeminaryOccupationFounder/Director, Missions Coordinator, PastorReligionChristian (Baptist)Spouse(s)Charo WasherPaul David Washer (born 1961) is the Founder/Director & Missions Coordinator of HeartCry Missionary Society which supports indigenous missionary work.[1] He is also a Southern Baptist itinerant preacher. Washer's sermons tend to have an evangelistic focus on the gospel and the doctrine of the assurance of salvation and predestination, and he frequently speaks against practices such as the sinner's prayer, and a focus on numerical church growth

Washer had a born again experience while studying to become an oil and gas lawyer at the University of Texas. Upon graduation, he attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and achieved a Master of Divinity degree. He then moved to Peru to become a missionary for 10 years, after which he returned to the United States. Washer resides in Radford, Virginia,[2] where he lives with his wife and three children.

Washer's sermons often focus on the character of Christ and how a person is saved from Hell. According to Washer, a person is saved through faith alone, but the evidence of a person's walk with Jesus is by repentance. Washer claims that most people who profess a belief in Christianity aren't truly saved. Washer blames preachers, as he claims many preachers often say a person is saved without looking for evidence of repentance in that person's life.

Washer preaches that those who claim to be a Christian but still live like the world may not even be saved (he does not proclaim that anyone in particular is going to Hell). He gleans this teaching from Matthew 7:15-23.

Washer cites Thomas Watson, John Flavel, R.C. Sproul, John F. MacArthur, George Muller, John Piper, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon, Leonard Ravenhill, John Wesley, A.W. Tozer and Martyn Lloyd-Jones among others, as influences.[3] He has frequently appeared on Christian radio to discuss how people are saved.[