
最初由 大熊猫 发布


Re: Re: 有请Bridge(王政律师)

最初由 -= *CFC*=- 幽灵降临 发布
I certainly agree with your 1st 2 paragraphs. But I do not agree with your 3rd part. :D because I once made a post complaining Ms Wang's taking advantage of new immigrants. My post was nothing but to warn other new immigrants that they'd better shop around for a better price for legal services. I made the complaint not because the charge was only like 10% to 20% higher than the market price but actually 3.5 to 4 times of the market price. I did not realize this until I stayed in Ottawa longer enough and my English is good enough for me to shop around.:blowzy:
最初由 jetdog 发布
无聊。 BIRDGE是不是王正,关你何事。她刨了你家祖坟还是怎么的?
:cool: :cool:
A few feet away I spotted
a U.S. immigration officer who was patrolling the floor. I
told him the line was rather slow.

That is when my nightmare began. It was horrible.

He said: "So what." I was really surprised that he spoke like
that because he was a representative of the U.S. government.

I remained calm. His shoulders came forward and he was right in
my face, shouting: "What do you want me to do?" I couldn't
understand what was going on. I couldn't believe it. I asked
him if they could open another line. He said: "With what?"

I was turning to this person for help and now he was treating me
like a criminal.

He came at me with such speed and power. He grabbed my passport
and my flight tickets and dragged me out of line.

He broke my thumb and it was covered in blood. I started screaming.
I had to yell to get help. He told me I could be arrested if I
kept it up. I asked him on what grounds. He said for "a crime"
and for arguing with him.
There was obviousely some missing details between " With what" and "He came at me with such speed and power. He grabbed my passport and my flight tickets and dragged me out of line" in this story.

Surport Gentalboy. Hope he can do it better.

No further comments. I am a scary cat.
Re: Re: He was treating me like a criminal

最初由 visitor 发布


Thanks, 迷迭香


最初由 visitor 发布


顺便问一下,当年您在美国所受的不公平待遇,曾是轰动一时的新闻(不仅仅是华人社区),后来怎么解决的? 是公了,是私了,还是不了了之? 这对于楼上的gentleboy很重要。记得当年王律师曾委屈地对媒体说(大意): 自己在加国住了多年并入了加籍,但是美国人仍然拿您当中国人对待。有心者可以查查当年的Ottawa Citizen

一看这个帖子我就火了,什么叫“自己在加国住了多年并入了加籍,但是美国人仍然拿您当中国人对待。 ”?是不是在国外住几年,别人都说你不是中国人了才不叫委屈?这么想当洋奴,为什么不去把自己的皮肤漂白?鼻子垫高呀?我靠#¥%$@*:flaming: :flaming: 我如果看到这位像20出头的半老徐娘(什么眼神)一定给她一finger,no doubt!!!!:flaming:
VISITOR, 你呀有病在这里说三道四。

最初由 auca 发布
A few feet away I spotted
a U.S. immigration officer who was patrolling the floor. I
told him the line was rather slow.

That is when my nightmare began. It was horrible.

He said: "So what." I was really surprised that he spoke like
that because he was a representative of the U.S. government.

I remained calm. His shoulders came forward and he was right in
my face, shouting: "What do you want me to do?" I couldn't
understand what was going on. I couldn't believe it. I asked
him if they could open another line. He said: "With what?"

I was turning to this person for help and now he was treating me
like a criminal.

He came at me with such speed and power. He grabbed my passport
and my flight tickets and dragged me out of line.

He broke my thumb and it was covered in blood. I started screaming.
I had to yell to get help. He told me I could be arrested if I
kept it up. I asked him on what grounds. He said for "a crime"
and for arguing with him.
There was obviousely some missing details between " With what" and "He came at me with such speed and power. He grabbed my passport and my flight tickets and dragged me out of line" in this story.

Surport Gentalboy. Hope he can do it better.

No further comments. I am a scary cat.

:) I still remember how I felt when I read her story on the newspaper. I felt kind of upset at how she delt with the situation. From the newspaper, she was upset not because she was treated unfairly, but because she was a CANADIAN and was not treated unfairly. It was easily to be percieved that if one was holding a Chinese passport and was treated that way, it was going to be OK then. Honestly, I was not quite impressed.
最初由 neverever 发布

鼻涕虫们,我要是在胸口挂块牌子,上面写“我是 qlgc/visitor/big ass@comefromchina.com", 在168门口转一圈,你们八月或者那个什么公墓也这样挂块牌子,看谁挺到最后,好不好?要不,再赌一回,我挂上这个牌子,在168门口坐一个小时,$10,000 CAD , 如何?

最初由 qlgc 发布
鼻涕虫们,我要是在胸口挂块牌子,上面写“我是 qlgc/visitor/big ass@comefromchina.com", 在168门口转一圈,你们八月或者那个什么公墓也这样挂块牌子,看谁挺到最后,好不好?要不,再赌一回,我挂上这个牌子,在168门口坐一个小时,$10,000 CAD , 如何?


最初由 风林火山 发布


最初由 qlgc 发布
鼻涕虫们,我要是在胸口挂块牌子,上面写“我是 qlgc/visitor/big ass@comefromchina.com", 在168门口转一圈,你们八月或者那个什么公墓也这样挂块牌子,看谁挺到最后,好不好?要不,再赌一回,我挂上这个牌子,在168门口坐一个小时,$10,000 CAD , 如何?


但你只能是qlgc, 千万不要冒充V和DPG, 它们可不见的感谢你拖它们下水.你若有种,就自己一只鼠去. 当然还有一种可能, 就是你两肋插刀, 写上V或D的大名,慷慨赴死; 这样它们就能继续挣扎在这片土地上了. 兴许它们还会给你立个碑什么的,上刻鼠族英雄qlgc永垂不朽云云。不过可能得藏起来。
不过像你这样混的不好还赖在这的过街鼠, 啧,啧,啧,还是回头叫你爹妈给你买包老鼠药得了, 也免得污了别人的转头. 钱嘛, 身外之物, 你要是一包药下肚, 也就用不着了.