精华 学习历史:黑暗的中世纪?


历史是客观的。1991年4月知识出版社出版了一本天文学家专著《当代国外天文学哲学》。该书第五部分有蒂普勒著的《地外智慧生物概念简史》一篇长文(260-278页,译自Quart J.Roy Astr soc),文中对布鲁诺的评价是这样说的:“人们通常认为,布鲁诺是科学的殉道者,然而,他为哥白尼辩护不是出于科学的理由,而是出于宗教的原因。实际上他轻视哥白尼的严密数学逻辑推理,而仅仅是热衷于用哥白尼的学说去攻击基督教的某些基本信条,他否定基督教的历史观点。布鲁诺被判处死刑,是由于他对基督教进行了令人难以理解的攻击,而不是由于他信奉世界多元性或为哥白尼进行辩护。布鲁诺远远不是科学的殉道者,而实际上是损害了科学。”

文章接着说:“开普勒和伽利略是哥白尼日心革命时期的两位重要的先驱者,他们实际上反对布鲁诺所提倡的可居世界的多元性的思想。”《火刑》以及无数效尤的文章,都极力吹捧布鲁诺大大发展了哥白尼的学说。究竟他有什么创见呢?充其量不外有两点:一是“他非常大声的提出,在别的行星上也有生物,甚至有像人一样有智慧、会思索、按理性生活的动物。”另一个是“在他面前是无边无际的,广阔的空间,世界是没有尽头的。”这 第一个学说早已被证明是荒谬的,后一学说也毫无科学根据。人们挖空心思只能找出布鲁诺的这点“科学成就”,怎么也看不出他有什么发展或推进了哥白尼的学说。相反,他轻视哥白尼的严密数学推理,“并且损害了科学。”他引用哥白尼的学说,单是用来攻击天主教的信条。当时,各国法庭都定了严厉法律来对付教义上的异端分子。法庭起初对布鲁诺很宽松,只是把他从意大利驱逐出去。但他回来后仍然坚持反天主教的立场,法庭仍没有严厉制裁而是等待了他七年,每星期一神父去劝导他。但布鲁诺一味顽固下去,最后终于被法庭判处火刑。










再补充一点,来自wiki: In the 16th century dedications were, as a rule, approved beforehand, and hence were a way of placing a work under the protection of an individual。哥白尼的《天体运行论》就是献给教宗保祿三世的



Elpino. The Peripatetics would say that the outermost heaven is a containing body in virtue of the concave and not of the convex surface thereof, and that in virtue of the concave surface it is a space.

Fracastoro. And I would add that therefore the surface of a containing body need not be a position in space. [6]

Philotheo. In short then, to come straight to my proposition, it appeareth to me ridiculous to affirm that nothing is beyond the heaven, and that the heaven is contained in itself and is in place and hath position only by accident, that is, by means of the parts thereof. And however Aristotle's phrase by accident be interpreted, he cannot escape the difficulty that one cannot be transformed into two, for the container is eternally different from the contained, [7] so different, indeed, that according to Aristotle himself, the container is incorporeal while the contained is corporeal; the container is motionless while the contained hath motion; the container is a mathematical conception while the contained hath physical existence. [8]

Thus let this surface be what it will, I must always put the question, what is beyond? If the reply is Nothing, then I call that the Void or emptiness. And such a Void or Emptiness hath no measure and no outer limit, though it hath an inner; and this is harder to imagine than is an infinite or immense universe. For if we insist on a finite universe, we cannot escape the void. And let us now see whether there can be such a space in which is naught. In this infinite space is placed our universe (whether by chance, by necessity or by providence I do not now consider). I ask now whether this space which indeed containeth the world is better fitted to do so than is another space beyond?

Fracastoro. It certainly appeareth to me, not so. For where there is nothing, there can be no differentiation; where there is no differentiation there is no distinction of quality and perhaps there is even less of quality where there is naught whatsoever.
这是另一本“天文学”著作的英译本全文:The Ash Wednesday Supper,我们可以看看布鲁诺对哥白尼和数学的态度是怎样

Smi. Please, let me know, what is your opinion of Copernicus?

THE. He was possessed of a grave, elaborate, careful, and mature mind; a man who was not inferior, except by succession of place and time, to any astronomer who had been before him; a man who in regard to natural judgment was far superior to Ptolemy, Hipparchus, Eudoxus, and all the others who walked in the footsteps of these; a man who had to liberate himself from some false presuppositions of the common and commonly accepted philosophy, or perhaps I should say, blindness. But for all that he did not move too much beyond them; being more intent on the study of mathematics than of nature, [21. This criticism of Copernicus strikes the keynote of Bruno's scientific posture. Disdainful of mathematics to a very high degree, he claims supreme expertise in 'physical astronomy', about which he rightly notes that it is of overriding importance for a real explanation of the physical universe. But his version of physical astronomy or his explanation of the motion of the earth and of other celestial bodies bogs down in gross animism (to say nothing of his Hermetism), which vitiates much of the forcefulness of his 'assertion of the infinity of the universe.] he was not able to go deep enough and penetrate beyond the point of removing from the way the stumps of inconvenient and vain principles, so as to resolve completely the difficult objections, and to free both himself and others from so many vain investigations, and to set attention firmly on things constant and certain. For all that, who can fully praise the great mind of that German, [22. This is not the only identification of Copernicus as a German in the early literature, a point which gave rise to much chauvinistic controversy, and which shall be kept alive by alI those unable to see long past situations in proper historical context.] who with little concern for the foolish multitude, stood solidly against the torrent of the opposite persuasion? And though deprived of effective reasons, he seized those rejected and rusty fragments which he could have from the hands of antiquity, and repolished, matched and cemented them to such an extent with his more mathematical than physical discourse, that there arose the argument once ridiculed, rejected and vilificd, [23. The reference might be also to Ptolemy's ridiculing Aristarchus for his advocacy of the earth's motion, in addition to the derision which greeted from several corners the publication of Copernicus' work.] but now respected, appreciated and possessed of greater likelihood than its contrary, and certainly more convenient and useful for theory and for computational purposes. Thus this German, though he did not have sufficient means to become able not only to thwart, but also to fight, to vanquish, and to suppress sufficiently the false hood, [24. The falsehood is the closed, spherical world, with the earth testing immobile at its center. While Bruno reproaches Copernicus for having retained the sphere of the fixed stars, he fails to realize that he is even more Aristotelian than Copernicus in explaining the physics of the motion of the earth. It is also to be noted that Bruno's high praises of Copernicus serve as a convenient backdrop to bring out more forcefully his own supercminent greatness.]

Concerning the Cause, Principle, and One



  比如他毫不避讳地推崇督教禁忌的巫术(demonic magic),还坚持当时尚未被基督教完全接受的新柏拉图主义,强烈反对当时已与基督教融合的亚里士多德主义,并对其冷嘲热讽,把他们斥为只懂文法、却不会深刻地思考自然本质,也就根本无法获得灵智的“学究”。他甚至还“得寸进尺”地宣称现行的基督教是作伪且作恶的宗教,就连基督教的圣物十字架在他看来也是基督教从古埃及人手里偷来的。

3.4 耶兹眼中的布鲁诺形象

百度百科--伽利略事件, 摘录如下:


当伽利略1616年在罗马逗留时,得到了来自某些有权力的自由主义神学家的支持。特别是枢机主教Roberto Bellarmine 和 Maffeo Barberini,他们辩解道,如果有一天哥白尼的宇宙体系被证明是正确的,那么教会将不得不重新解释那些看起来与之矛盾的经文。无论如何,他们都支持伽利略最后的妥协方案:在能拿出最终的证明之前,伽利略应该承认日心说仅仅是一种假设,并不把它作为对宇宙的真实描述加以推广

时间到了1624年,伽利略认为自己已经找到了苦苦寻觅的证明。更妙的是,他的旧盟友,Maffeo Barberini此时已加冕成为教皇乌尔班八世。这一年,伽利略回到罗马,六次觐见了新教皇。在会谈中,伽利略向教皇保证,他已经找到了地球运动的证据。乌尔班对这种实证可能带来的影响更有兴趣。他忧虑的是教会该如何处理这一证明带来的神学方面的问题。他同意伽利略就日心说问题进行写作,但是不许他将日心说描述为事实(而仅仅是一个有用的假设),除非他真的能证明日心说。





事实上,有一个科学史学家John Heilbron最近出版了一本名为《教堂中的太阳》的书,记载了在伽利略事件发生后,教会如何继续推动关于日心说证据的研究。其中甚至包括将整个教堂变成一个巨大的小孔成像照相机,以便数次测量一年中太阳圆面视直径的变化。由于数学上的缘故,用哥白尼体系算出的太阳视圆面直径变化结果将与用托勒密-亚里士多德体系算出来的略有不同。17世纪50年代和60年代由教会主持的观测实验显示,测量结果显然支持哥白尼的学说


下面有一封他当年的亲笔信,最能说明问题了: Letter to Madame Christina of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany: Concerning the Use of Biblical Quotations in Matters of Science (1615), 摘录如下:

I think in the first place that it is very pious to say and prudent to affirm that the holy Bible can never speak untruth—whenever its true meaning is understood. But I believe nobody will deny that it is often very abstruse, and may say things which are quite different from what its bare words signify. Hence in expounding the Bible if one were always to confine oneself to the unadorned grammatical meaning, one might fall into error

From these things it follows as a necessary consequence that, since the Holy Ghost did not intend to teach us whether heaven moves or stands still, whether its shape is spherical or like a discus or extended in a plane, nor whether the earth is located at its center or off to one side, then so much the less was it intended to settle for us any other conclusion of the same kind. And the motion or rest of the earth and the sun is so closely linked with the things just named, that without a determination of the one, neither side can be taken in the other matters. Now if the Holy Spirit has purposely neglected to teach us propositions of this sort as irrelevant to the highest goal (that is, to our salvation), how can anyone affirm that it is obligatory to take sides on them, and that one belief is required by faith, while the other side is erroneous? Can an opinion be heretical and yet have no concern with the salvation of souls? Can the Holy Ghost be asserted not to have intended teaching us something that does concern our salvation? I would say here something that was heard from an ecclesiastic of the most eminent degree: “That the intention of the Holy Ghost is to teach us how one goes to heaven, not how heaven goes.”

And in St. Augustine we read: “If anyone shall set the authority of Holy Writ against clear and manifest reason, he who does this knows not what he has undertaken; for he opposes to the truth not the meaning of the Bible, which is beyond his comprehension, but rather his own interpre­tation; not what is in the Bible, but what he has found in himself and imagines to be there.



Frances Yates 60年前对布鲁诺的研究,已经逐步被西方主流接受,至少这一点:布鲁诺不是一个科学的殉道者

* holding opinions contrary to the Catholic faith and speaking against it and its ministers;
* holding opinions contrary to the Catholic faith about the Trinity, divinity of Christ, and Incarnation;
* holding opinions contrary to the Catholic faith pertaining to Jesus as Christ;
* holding opinions contrary to the Catholic faith regarding the virginity of Mary, mother of Jesus;
* holding opinions contrary to the Catholic faith about both Transubstantiation and Mass;
* claiming the existence of a plurality of worlds and their eternity;
* believing in metempsychosis and in the transmigration of the human soul into brutes, and;
* dealing in magics and divination.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
When Giordano Bruno (1548–1600) was burned at the stake as a heretic, it had nothing to do with his writings in support of Copernican cosmology, and this is clearly shown in Finocchiaro's reconstruction of the accusations against Bruno (see also Blumenberg's part 3, chapter 5, titled “Not a Martyr for Copernicanism: Giordano Bruno”)

Catholic Encyclopedia
Bruno was not condemned for his defence of the Copernican system of astronomy, nor for his doctrine of the plurality of inhabited worlds, but for his theological errors, among which were the following: that Christ was not God but merely an unusually skillful magician, that the Holy Ghost is the soul of the world, that the Devil will be saved, etc.

The numerous charges against him included blasphemy, immoral conduct, and heresy in matters of dogmatic theology, and involved some of the basic doctrines of his philosophy and cosmology


貌似Encyclopædia Britannica维持传统的观点
Bruno is, perhaps, chiefly remembered for the tragic death he suffered at the stake because of the tenacity with which he maintained his unorthodox ideas at a time when both the Roman Catholic and the Reformed churches were reaffirming rigid Aristotelian and Scholastic principles in their struggle for the evangelization of Europe.



1491-1495:University of Kraków,Poland。哥白尼在此学习:arithmetic, geometry, geometric optics, cosmography, theoretical and computational astronomy), a good knowledge of the philosophical and natural-science, and made him conversant with humanistic culture.
was established in 1364 by Casimir III of Poland when Pope Urban V granted him permission to set up an academy in Kraków. 成立最初教授:liberal arts, Medicine, Canon Law,Roman Law

1496 -1500 University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy: 学习数学,天文学,法律,医学等,并接受人文主义思想


1501 - 1503 University of Padua, Padua, Italy: Medicine
The university is conventionally said to have been founded in 1222 when a large group of students and professors left the University of Bologna in search of more academic freedom. The first subjects to be taught were law and theology. The curriculum expanded rapidly, and by 1399 the institution had divided in two: a Universitas Iuristarum for civil law and Canon law, and a Universitas Artistarum which taught astronomy, dialectic, philosophy, grammar, medicine, and rhetoric. There was also a Universitas Theologorum, established in 1373 by Urban V.

1503 University of Ferrara,Ferrara, Italy: 法学博士
The University of Ferrara was founded on March 4, 1391 by Marquis Alberto V D'Este with the permission of Pope Boniface IX. The Studium Generale was inaugurated on St. Luke's Day (October 18) of that year with courses in law, arts and theology. After the unification of Italy, Ferrara University became a free university with faculties of Law and Mathematics, a three-year course in Medicine (reduced to two years in 1863-64), as well as Schools of Veterinary Medicine (abolished in 1876), Pharmacy, and for public Notaries.

He started to study for the priesthood, but left and enrolled for a medical degree at the University of Pisa. He never completed this degree, but instead studied mathematics notably with Ostilio Ricci, the mathematician of the Tuscan court

之后伽利略分别在 University of Pisa 和 University of Padua 任教

University of Pisa

The University of Pisa, is an Italian public research university located in Pisa, Italy. Established in 1343 by an edict of Pope Clement VI.

But a number of scholars claim its origin dates back to the 11th century.

The first reliable data on the presence of secular and monastic schools of law in Pisa is from the 11th and the second half of the 12th century. Further, the next century form the first documents that prove the presence of doctors of medicine and surgery.

The earliest evidence of a Pisan Studium dates to 1338, when the renowned jurist Ranieri Arsendi transferred to Pisa from Bologna. He along with Bartolo da Sassoferrato, a lecturer in Civil Law, were paid by the Municipality to teach public lessons.

The papal bull In supremae dignitatis, granted by Pope Clement VI on September 3, 1343, recognized the Studium of Pisa as a Studium Generale; an institution of further education founded or confirmed by a universal authority, the Papacy, or Empire.

The first taught subjects were theology, civil law, canon law and medicine.

Born in Pisa on February 15, 1564

1589 - 1592,He held the mathematics chair at University of Pisa

1592 - 1610, Chair of mathematics at the University of Padua

1610, he was appointed mathematician and philosopher to the Grand Duke of Tuscany.

1613, He entered a debate with Christoph Scheiner, a German Jesuit and professor of mathematics at Ingolstadt, regarding the Sunspots

1613 he wrote a letter to his student Benedetto Castelli in Pisa about the problem of squaring the Copernican theory with certain biblical passages. Inaccurate copies of this letter were sent by Galileo’s enemies to the Inquisition in Rome. Several Dominican fathers in Florence lodged complaints against Galileo in Rome, and Galileo went to Rome to defend the Copernican cause and his good name.

1615 圣衣会成员,牧师、数学教、神学家 Paolo Antonio Foscarini published a book arguing that the Copernican theory did not conflict with scripture. Foscarini went to Rome to defend the Copernican theory personally, but Inquisition consultants examined the question and pronounced the Copernican theory heretical. Foscarini’s book was banned

1616, Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, one of the most respected Catholic theologians of the time, was called on to adjudicate the dispute between Galileo and his opponents, including both religious and secular university professors.

Bellarmine found no problem with heliocentrism so long as it was treated as a purely hypothetical calculating device and not as a physically real phenomenon. For unknown reason, February 19, 1616, the Inquisition asked a commission of theologians, known as qualifiers, about the propositions of the heliocentric view of the universe, and the result was, Galileo was advised not to teach or defend Copernican theory.

Galileo met again with Bellarmine, apparently on friendly terms; and on March 11 he met with the Pope, who assured him that he was safe from persecution so long as he, the Pope, should live

1616, 天体运行论 though not formally banned, was removed from circulation pending revisions, and in fact was not fully cleared until the 19th century.[citation needed] Galileo was personally safe and his works had not been banned

1623 Maffeo Barberini, Galileo's supporter and friend, was elected Pope Urban VIII.

1624 Galileo went to Rome and had six interviews with Urban VIII. The pope gave Galileo permission to write a book about theories of the universe but warned him to treat the Copernican theory only hypothetically

1630, he finished Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, and it was printed in Florence in 1632

In this book, he put Pope Urban VIII’s favourite argument in the mouth of the person who had been ridiculed throughout the dialogue. The reaction against the book was swift. The pope convened a special commission to examine the book; the commission found that Galileo had not really treated the Copernican theory hypothetically and recommended that a case be brought against him by the Inquisition

It should be noted that Galileo was never in a dungeon or tortured; during the Inquisition process he stayed mostly at the house of the Tuscan ambassador to the Vatican and for a short time in a comfortable apartment in the Inquisition building.

Finally, in April 1633 Galileo was called before the Holy Office, 但此时在罗马已经有很多支持者因为《对话》一书远离他

22 June 1633, the court issued a sentence of condemnation and forced Galileo to abjure.

He was confined in Siena and eventually, in December 1633, he was allowed to retire to his villa in Arcetri and he was continuing his scientific research.

1638, when he was almost totally blind, the [Discourses and demonstrations on two new Sciences] was published in Leiden though the Inquisition prohibited his future publications.

Galileo died in Arcetri on January 8, 1642.
1616 和 1633 年宗教裁判所审判伽利略的原始文档英文翻译:http://web.archive.org/web/20070930....edu/mgagne/ess362/resources/finocchiaro.html


Consultant's Report on Copernicanism (24 February 1616)
Assessment made at the Holy Office, Rome, Wednesday, 24 February 1616, in the presence of the Father Theologians signed below.

Proposition to be assessed:

(1) The sun is the center of the world and completely devoid of local motion.

Assessement: All said that this proposition is foolish and absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts many places the sense of Holy Scripture, according to the literal meaning of the words and according to the common interpretation and understanding of the Holy Fathers and the doctors of theology.

(2) The earth is not the center of the world, nor motionless, but it moves as a whole and also with diurnal motion.

Assessment: All said that this proposition receives the same judgement in philosophy and that in regard to theological truth it is at least errouneous in faith.

Inquisition Minutes (25 February 1616)
His Holiness ordered the most Illustrious Lord Cardinal Bellarmine to call Galileo before himself and warn him to abandon these opinions; and if he should refuse to obey, the Father Commissary, in the presence of a notary and witnesses, is to issue him an injunction to abstain completely from teaching or defending this doctrine and opinion or from discussing it; and further, if he should not acquiesce, he is to be imprisoned.

Decree of the Index (5 March 1616)
In regard to several books containing various heresies and errors, to prevent the emergence of more serious harm throughout Christendom. ... has decided that they should be altogether condemned and prohibited:

Calvinist Theology (in three parts). . .
Scotanus Redivivus, or Erotic Commmentary in Three Parts. . .
Historical Explanation of the Most Serious Question in the Christian Churches Especially in the West,
from the Time of the Apostles All the Way to Our Age. . .
Inquiry Concerning the Pre-eminence Among European Provinces. . .
Donellus's Principles, or Commentaries on Civil Law,. . .


Therefore, in order that this opinion may not creep any further to the prejudice of Catholic truth, the Congregation has decided that the books by Nicolaus Copernicus (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) and Diego de Zuniga (On Job) be suspended until corrected;(Q注:以上两本为科学书) but that the book of the Carmelite Father Paolo Antonio Foscarini be completely prohibited and condemned(Q注:此书侧重神学,试图解释说日心说没有违反圣经);