6inch 枫影居士 注册 2004-03-01 消息 2,253 荣誉分数 85 声望点数 158 2013-01-25 #16 16. 附件 67Pix (17).jpg 367.7 KB · 查看: 91
6inch 枫影居士 注册 2004-03-01 消息 2,253 荣誉分数 85 声望点数 158 2013-01-25 #17 17. 附件 67Pix (25).jpg 462.7 KB · 查看: 91
6inch 枫影居士 注册 2004-03-01 消息 2,253 荣誉分数 85 声望点数 158 2013-01-25 #18 18. 附件 67Pix (27).jpg 471.9 KB · 查看: 92
半夜听歌 资深人士 VIP 注册 2008-11-08 消息 2,340 荣誉分数 102 声望点数 223 2013-01-26 #19 Nice shots ! These are tough to get due to speed and light. 67 arena is not too bad though. Do you have to shoot through the glass ?
Nice shots ! These are tough to get due to speed and light. 67 arena is not too bad though. Do you have to shoot through the glass ?
6inch 枫影居士 注册 2004-03-01 消息 2,253 荣誉分数 85 声望点数 158 2013-01-26 #20 半夜听歌 说: 67 arena is not too bad though. 点击展开... Actually it was at the Scotiabank Place. 半夜听歌 说: Do you have to shoot through the glass ? 点击展开... Yep, with full media access I was able to shoot through holes in the glass.
半夜听歌 说: 67 arena is not too bad though. 点击展开... Actually it was at the Scotiabank Place. 半夜听歌 说: Do you have to shoot through the glass ? 点击展开... Yep, with full media access I was able to shoot through holes in the glass.
半夜听歌 资深人士 VIP 注册 2008-11-08 消息 2,340 荣誉分数 102 声望点数 223 2013-01-26 #21 Holy cow, media pass heh? I shoot there once behind the bench. Lightning is mils ahead those local arenas...
Holy cow, media pass heh? I shoot there once behind the bench. Lightning is mils ahead those local arenas...
苦逼热狗 路边通讯社社长 VIP 注册 2002-10-12 消息 47,112 荣誉分数 2,376 声望点数 393 2013-01-26 #23 半夜听歌 说: Holy cow, media pass heh? I shoot there once behind the bench. Lightning is mils ahead those local arenas... 点击展开... join us! http://www.meetup.com/The-Ottawa-Photography-Meetup-Group/events/97798292/
半夜听歌 说: Holy cow, media pass heh? I shoot there once behind the bench. Lightning is mils ahead those local arenas... 点击展开... join us! http://www.meetup.com/The-Ottawa-Photography-Meetup-Group/events/97798292/
半夜听歌 资深人士 VIP 注册 2008-11-08 消息 2,340 荣誉分数 102 声望点数 223 2013-01-28 #25 变态 热狗 说: join us! http://www.meetup.com/The-Ottawa-Photography-Meetup-Group/events/97798292/ 点击展开... 还以为你也去了。
变态 热狗 说: join us! http://www.meetup.com/The-Ottawa-Photography-Meetup-Group/events/97798292/ 点击展开... 还以为你也去了。
苦逼热狗 路边通讯社社长 VIP 注册 2002-10-12 消息 47,112 荣誉分数 2,376 声望点数 393 2013-01-28 #26 半夜听歌 说: 还以为你也去了。 点击展开... 20D+manual focus lens = no no and get the f**k out
半夜听歌 资深人士 VIP 注册 2008-11-08 消息 2,340 荣誉分数 102 声望点数 223 2013-01-28 #27 变态 热狗 说: 20D+manual focus lens = no no and get the f**k out 点击展开... That's what I thought too. 20D ? big no ! and manual focus lens, are you kidding me ?
变态 热狗 说: 20D+manual focus lens = no no and get the f**k out 点击展开... That's what I thought too. 20D ? big no ! and manual focus lens, are you kidding me ?
6inch 枫影居士 注册 2004-03-01 消息 2,253 荣誉分数 85 声望点数 158 2013-01-28 #28 steven_wsoa 说: 很精彩!什么样的镜头? 点击展开... EF70-200mm f2.8 L IS.
6inch 枫影居士 注册 2004-03-01 消息 2,253 荣誉分数 85 声望点数 158 2013-01-28 #29 变态 热狗 说: 20D+manual focus lens = no no and get the f**k out 点击展开...