anybody trading TIWI/TIW(canadian)?

最初由 dewey 发布
Hi, JZhang77:
TIWI's ER is out, pretty good. When do you plan to sell it? Tomorrow, or still wait. I think it will go up a lot tomorrow, then pull back a little bit?

the AH goes up to USD7.49, but now is only USD7.02. Maybe some big guy will sell on news tomorrow, who knows? Don't forget that BMO is holding 13 Million shares.

Anyway I decide to hold it till next quarter's earning report released. because it runs very healthy since Oct., maybe I will sell half if it goes up very fast, for instance, over CND10 tomorrow. But will buy it back within 2-3 days.
最初由 dewey 发布
Hi, JZhang77:
TIWI's ER is out, pretty good. When do you plan to sell it? Tomorrow, or still wait. I think it will go up a lot tomorrow, then pull back a little bit?

In my opinion, it is good time to sell it for short term trading tomorrow. I will put sell-order at CN$10.80 tomorrow, and buy back around $8.50 later whenever.
最初由 harrychina 发布

In my opinion, it is good time to sell it for short term trading tomorrow. I will put sell-order at CN$10.80 tomorrow, and buy back around $8.50 later whenever.

Could you tell me why 10.80?

最初由 harrychina 发布

In my opinion, it is good time to sell it for short term trading tomorrow. I will put sell-order at CN$10.80 tomorrow, and buy back around $8.50 later whenever.

jzhang77,harrychina 你们真神

我刚才买了 tiwi 不到半小时 张了3毛, 可惜买少了,应该买 2万股

tiwi 这次增长很稳 :blink:

昨天(Nov. 5)早上卖的哥们真惨...
最初由 harrychina 发布

In my opinion, it is good time to sell it for short term trading tomorrow. I will put sell-order at CN$10.80 tomorrow, and buy back around $8.50 later whenever.

I doubt TIW will go as low as $8.50, unless there will be major change of course in Nasdaq etc.:lookaroun
I sold tiw today, maybe still early? Switch to How do you think of this one?
最初由 dewey 发布
I sold tiw today, maybe still early? Switch to How do you think of this one?

难说! 我很欣赏 WWW.PEACEOFM.COM 里说的一句话:市场是非理性的, 而人的思考是理性的. 假如TIW 的 RSI 到达 90 可仍在涨,而有些股票屡创新低却还要跌, 你也不能怪股票不讲道理, 市场总是对的.

每个人有不同的操作方法, 无所谓哪个更好. 我的方法与你的有些不同. TIW 我不会轻易抛, 因为在它上升途中,每次抛出都是错误,除非正巧是最高点.我愿意在它自高点下落一段确认升势已尽才抛.这样一来会丢了鱼尾,但确保吃到鱼身. ZL 我不会轻易买, 因为在它下降途中,每次买入都是错误,除非正巧是最低点. 感觉ZL仍受均线压制,$4以上压力重重.
最初由 jzhang77 发布

Could you tell me why 10.80?

Just feeling.

我想主力开盘就拉高10%有一定的难度,拉高8-9%就可能出货。可是,底开走平台,一直走到中午,没有出货迹象。主力不出货,咱也不出,所以,1:00PM 撤单走人。

明天,高挂$11.55(+7%), 预防主力,开盘拉高出逃。
最初由 harrychina 发布

Just feeling.

我想主力开盘就拉高10%有一定的难度,拉高8-9%就可能出货。可是,底开走平台,一直走到中午,没有出货迹象。主力不出货,咱也不出,所以,1:00PM 撤单走人。

明天,高挂$11.55(+7%), 预防主力,开盘拉高出逃。

对开盘局势预测真准耶 :cool: