A pothole, sometimes called a chuckhole, is a type of disruption in the surface of a roadway where a portion of the road material has broken away, leaving a hole. Potholes can be formed due to fatigue of the road surface. As fatigue fractures develop they typically interlock in a pattern known as "alligator cracking".
The formation of potholes is exacerbated by low temperatures, as water expands when it freezes to form ice, and puts greater stress on cracks in the pavement or road. Once a pothole forms, it may grow through continued removal of broken chunks of pavement. In cold climates, potholes tend to form most often during spring months when the ground is saturated.
Motorists can do everyone a favor by reporting potholes promptly to the proper road agency. See attached map to determine where to report a pothole. If your vehicle was damaged by a pothole you may file a Claim against the City.