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<HTML>Your own opinion. Btw, where are you living now?</HTML>
Who give you USD30K in China? ???

RE: Who give you USD30K in China? ???


我就是一个想回国发展的人. 我以前在国内的外企工作了6年(13500的月薪,在1998年), 来加拿大前的年薪和目前在加拿大的工资差不多.我真是想马上回国. 猎头公司告我在北京, 我这样资历的人在北京的外企至少可以有16000以上的月薪.

可恶的183天限制, 不然, 我马上走了. 大家都为了图个身份, 可有人可以告诉我这个身份有何用吗?

其实我每天上班, 一点都不闲. 这是内心无聊, 寂寞. 我不认为加拿大的生活比法国(或西欧国家)好多少, 只是加拿大给你个"LANDING"纸....


RE: 有理

外的实际生活水平比他们在国内设想的要差得多。 </HTML>
RE: 有理

<HTML>I bet you guys will still stay here.We'll see.

RE: 有理

<HTML>I bet you guys will still stay here.We'll see.

RE: 有理

<HTML>Too many positions u can have US$30,000/yr in China....</HTML>
RE: 岂有此理

<HTML>"Too Many positions u can have US$30,00/yr in China"
I suppose that we should add inverted comma for your sentence.
I do know some people get good money in China, and I used to be one of them. But when you look at those poor people live in the same city and same conutry as you who only have 600RMB per month. What you will think again?
I always remember once I met one friend of my papa, he asked me how's my life in BJ. When I told him that I rent a apartment at 3000RMB per month, he said nothing to me. He turned back and talked with his wife that I must have an uptight life in BJ after I spend 3000RMB for the apartment, becuase he thinks 3000RMB is a quite big amount, and it takes him to work over half a year.
I am not a hero, so I don't know how to save those people. What I can do is to save my family, my parents and my kid(in future). :P</HTML>
From Shanghai

<HTML>I just left BJ, and I am in Shanghai now. I was told that average income per capita in BJ in 2000 is 10,300, and per employee was 15,000. But the people laid off (xia guang) after 3 year contract period will consider be unemployed, and will get 300-400 per mth. In other city, 150-200 per mth. I and three my colleagu spend around 300-400 yuan each meal for the last 7 days. You might get 30k US in China, just like you hold Nortel stock when it was worth $128. Have you think about market risk if you are laid off (or you can guarantee you always have a high pay job even in the great depression in 1930's. I remembered during 1950-1960's, many African heads of tribal chief (qiu zhang) got Ph.D. in France or Britian, but they still went back to their home country and tribal to be head, instead stay in France as a ordinary people. They like power and social position, instead of personal achievement. Think about risk and opportunity cost. Nortel stock does not always go up or stay higher, it might drop down. BTW, how much is it now? Report from Shanghai Jianguo Hotel. </HTML>
RE: From Shanghai

<HTML>understood why u go back to china now, hehe.
hope they are not typo

RE: From Ottawa

<HTML> I think my life in China is better than Now. I really miss my friends there. I maybe go back China when I get my Canadian passport.But my family hopes me to stay here. How about this? Give me some advice.Thank you!</HTML>
From Chengdu (CD)

<HTML>I am in Chengdu now, left SH last Sunday (I travel back in China for business, and will back to Ottawa soon). Living in China is amaizing, only if you are in the top 10% group. You can buy a 208 sq. m townhouse for about $120,000 CAN in Shanghai. However, average income per employee in SH was 10,900 yuan in 2000, and 8,900 yuan in Chengdu. Since there are more low income earners than high income, the medium number will be lower than the average. In my last report, there is no typo. Xia Gang worker get 300-400 yuan each month (for your information, according to Canada Government rates, the meal allowance per day in BJ is 428 yuan, and 528 yuan in SH, plus 25% incidental allowance).

Hallxiang: If you can not control your own future, you'd better go back to China to stay with your family. Canadian possport does not guarantee a happy life. A matured person will bear the result, after he/she makes a decision, no matter the result is desired or undesired.
Report from Chengdu Huayang Hotel.</HTML>
From Chengdu (CD)

<HTML>I am in Chengdu now, left SH last Sunday (I travel back in China for business, and will back to Ottawa soon). Living in China is amaizing, only if you are in the top 10% group. You can buy a 208 sq. m townhouse for about $120,000 CAN in Shanghai. However, average income per employee in SH was 10,900 yuan in 2000, and 8,900 yuan in Chengdu. Since there are more low income earners than high income, the medium number will be lower than the average. In my last report, there is no typo. Xia Gang worker get 300-400 yuan each month (for your information, according to Canada Government rates, the meal allowance per day in BJ is 428 yuan, and 528 yuan in SH, plus 25% incidental allowance).

Hallxiang: If you can not control your own future, you'd better go back to China to stay with your family. Canadian possport does not guarantee a happy life. A matured person will bear the result, after he/she makes a decision, no matter the result is desired or undesired.
Report from Chengdu Huayang Hotel.</HTML>