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RE: From Chengdu (CD)

<HTML>- That kind of comparison is not reasonable - expense in biz travel vs. average living expense. Although the gap in between is huge in China, it is also not neglectable in any other countries.

- Being successful in Canada does not necessarily translate into being successful in China. They require different skills. The position you stand between hard-skill and soft-skill decides. You (will) have to choose the environment that makes you feel good - It is not a sure bet. Time will tell.

RE: From Chengdu (CD)

<HTML>我同意大家说的,目前都是没办法才在加拿大熬下去. 有家里老人的因素, 有妻子孩子的因素, 有自己面子的因素...

经历了许多事后, 我总觉得自己的生活还是应该自己决定, 自己的生活应该自己找到快乐. 不能永远为别人活着. 我在拿到身份后肯定会回去的. 我不会为了所谓的"面子"而留在加拿大过我不喜欢的日子, 没有欢乐的日子...

我已经无牵无挂, 我已经离婚, 现在又是象以前那样的"天马行空"的日子了. 有何可以牵挂的呢? 再说在国内有我爱的女孩子... 美味的佳肴... 深厚的中国文化...

咱们这些"知识分子"们, 难道还不如古人吗? 秋天已到, 正是厥鱼鲜美, 大闸蟹肥肥之时啊!!!

我想回苏州...在太湖边走走... 渔舟唱晚, 一抹夕阳, 孤帆远影...
这才是: 落霞与孤鹜齐飞, 秋水共长天一色的中国的山川大地啊!


RE: 拿到身份后回得去吗?

<HTML>没问题, 先办中国签证,在国内有工作后, 办理长期居住证和外国人在华工作证.

据说国内在拟定针对咱们这样的人 - 以前为中国人, 现在绿卡或外籍, 在华居住5年长期居住证和Z签证(可以工作的那种). 现在国内提出"为国服务" 而不是"回国服务".

RE: 拿到身份后回得去吗?

RE: 拿到身份后回得去吗?

RE: To Copy

I venture to take guess that what Copy said here was not so much to
comment upon what was raised by the subject as to convince himself
upon his own points.

Any answer to what was raised by the subject is very individual. A
Yes to him may not be a Yes to her, vice versa. That is to say, a
general discussion upon this topic is not going to lead to a
universal answer to all. People should act upon their own best

As for me, I have been so used to this social surroundings which, to
me, mean a lot more than just salaries, houses, cars, etc., etc..

I am a citizen in both Canada and Britain, but I was born as a
Chinese, I am a Chinese and will be a Chinese. Nothing will change
that no matter where I live.
RE: To Copy
