那些入冬开春前的保养我都知道,但是冬天一定要停在室内么?我看很多船冬天就是用塑料布封一下,都停在外面,这样不行么?我本来是打算冬天停到我们家侧边的院子里。 带方向盘50HP的马达不那么容易拆下来吧。It cost a lot for storage and winterize the motor every year. And you need to tune up every year most likely.
If you cannot remove the motor from the boat, your boat must park in a heated indoor storage area in the winter.
It cost about $400 for the storage. And you need to pay someone to winterize the motor before winter and tune up before you use it.
A lot of expense every year.
Unheated indoor storage 其实没有那么贵, kijiji 里可以找到$250的.
AIM outboard recycler 的口碑不错。在那里做winterization大约$100左右。
如果想peace of mind, 可以考虑买保third party 的操作意外保险。从四月到十一月,1m 的保险只收$50保费。
我觉得船是很好的investment,它会给家庭带来很多欢乐. 一边钓鱼一边亨受蓝天白云,清澈的湖水,绿油油的水草, 总比呆在家里上网或看电视更健康。
我的船保是跟房屋保险一起买的(an extension of liability coverage). 记得当时agent是这样告诉我的:What is 操作意外保险? Does this cover the damage and liability when using the boat on the water? Where did your guys buy seperate boat insurance? The Home insurance normaly has limitation to the boat (ex. under value $2000 ).