

大家对私人贷款有兴趣吗? Or Mortgage Syndication?

对于贷方( Lender), 一般多为短期借贷, 6个月到一年的时间. 借方(borrower)愿付贷款利率多为8+%, 用Ottawa的房地产为抵押品. 借贷方式与银行一样, 由律师在省里注册为Mortgage.
What will be minimum investment amount?
有意借给1M以上的, 回报应该是在10+%(借贷利息).
Is the asset much greater than the loan( combine all the loan) if it is, then why can't he go to a bank, if it isn't then there is too much risk
risks and rewards are always proportional.
do you think they want to pay you 10+% while they can get a single digit at the Big 5?
能给个 联系方式吗? 悄悄话 发给我...
Is the asset much greater than the loan( combine all the loan) if it is, then why can't he go to a bank, if it isn't then there is too much risk

Thank you for your comments.

其实许多事不是那么简单. 借款人有他的考虑, 短期, 灵活, 收益分配快. 贷款人的短期收益高. (Win-win)

你要是认为risk high, 我也可以考虑把房子卖给你. 而且我的房子都有10+%收益.
risks and rewards are always proportional.
do you think they want to pay you 10+% while they can get a single digit at the Big 5?

Mr. Kwan, Thank you for your comments too.
There are lots of reasons. Owners have many reasona why they choose private loan, but loaners has only 1 concern: safety of the money.

I am doing short term loans in Toronto with mortgage backing.
Amount is increment of $30k, 6-month return, 8% fix, term-end payment only.

Thank you for your comments.
其实许多事不是那么简单. 借款人有他的考虑, 短期, 灵活, 收益分配快. 贷款人的短期收益高. (Win-win)
你要是认为risk high, 我也可以考虑把房子卖给你. 而且我的房子都有10+%收益.
大家记住, 加拿大银行和中国不同。 加拿大银行会给任何有抵押,有偿还能力的人做长期或短期的贷款。 私下贷款风险高。

如果有房子抵押,一定要查有没有其他的债权人已经把房子作为抵押了, 在法院可以查到。
There are lots of reasons. Owners have many reasona why they choose private loan, but loaners has only 1 concern: safety of the money.

I am doing short term loans in Toronto with mortgage backing.
Amount is increment of $30k, 6-month return, 8% fix, term-end payment only.

谢谢. How can I make you feel safe for your money? Please let me know, I'll make it happen.
大家记住, 加拿大银行和中国不同。 加拿大银行会给任何有抵押,有偿还能力的人做长期或短期的贷款。 私下贷款风险高。

如果有房子抵押,一定要查有没有其他的债权人已经把房子作为抵押了, 在法院可以查到。

谢谢你的提醒. 这点我一开始已经提到过了.
First charge. Max 80%LTV

没有问题. 你要是认真的话, 我跟你借1.5M. Term: First charge. Max 80%LTV, 10% fixed for 1yr; monthly interest only payment.

我想, 我的条件比你那个Toronto的强多了. 能不能把那个Toronto的借贷条件给我讲讲?