Is the asset much greater than the loan( combine all the loan) if it is, then why can't he go to a bank, if it isn't then there is too much risk
Thank you for your comments.
其实许多事不是那么简单. 借款人有他的考虑, 短期, 灵活, 收益分配快. 贷款人的短期收益高. (Win-win)
你要是认为risk high, 我也可以考虑把房子卖给你. 而且我的房子都有10+%收益.
There are lots of reasons. Owners have many reasona why they choose private loan, but loaners has only 1 concern: safety of the money.
I am doing short term loans in Toronto with mortgage backing.
Amount is increment of $30k, 6-month return, 8% fix, term-end payment only.
大家记住, 加拿大银行和中国不同。 加拿大银行会给任何有抵押,有偿还能力的人做长期或短期的贷款。 私下贷款风险高。
如果有房子抵押,一定要查有没有其他的债权人已经把房子作为抵押了, 在法院可以查到。