哈哈哈镜 我本将心向明镜, 奈何明镜是哈哈哈镜 注册 2013-04-17 消息 7,627 荣誉分数 2,371 声望点数 273 2013-08-21 #16 TIFF 说: thanks. 点击展开... please pay attention to the colored text
TIFF 晴空一鹤排云上~~遥引诗情到碧霄 VIP 注册 2011-09-16 消息 30,410 荣誉分数 5,901 声望点数 273 2013-08-21 #17 哈哈哈镜 说: please pay attention to the colored text 点击展开... I would be blind if I didn't see that. Where did you think those rolling eyes came from?
哈哈哈镜 说: please pay attention to the colored text 点击展开... I would be blind if I didn't see that. Where did you think those rolling eyes came from?
哈哈哈镜 我本将心向明镜, 奈何明镜是哈哈哈镜 注册 2013-04-17 消息 7,627 荣誉分数 2,371 声望点数 273 2013-08-21 #18 TIFF 说: I would be blind if I didn't see that. Where did you think those rolling eyes came from? 点击展开... 那是rolling eyes吗?一直以为那个表情是表示斜眼,是眼神不好的意思
TIFF 说: I would be blind if I didn't see that. Where did you think those rolling eyes came from? 点击展开... 那是rolling eyes吗?一直以为那个表情是表示斜眼,是眼神不好的意思
风过 何处西南待好风 注册 2013-07-06 消息 4,920 荣誉分数 1,490 声望点数 213 2013-08-21 #19 大诗人来啦,赶紧捧场。8过,感觉介84真实水平,你懂的。你打死我吧,嘿 ^_^
哈哈哈镜 我本将心向明镜, 奈何明镜是哈哈哈镜 注册 2013-04-17 消息 7,627 荣誉分数 2,371 声望点数 273 2013-08-21 #20 TIFF 说: I would be blind if I didn't see that. Where did you think those rolling eyes came from? 点击展开... a little correction, if u can't see that, it's called color blind.
TIFF 说: I would be blind if I didn't see that. Where did you think those rolling eyes came from? 点击展开... a little correction, if u can't see that, it's called color blind.
TIFF 晴空一鹤排云上~~遥引诗情到碧霄 VIP 注册 2011-09-16 消息 30,410 荣誉分数 5,901 声望点数 273 2013-08-21 #21 风过 说: 大诗人来啦,赶紧捧场。8过,感觉介84真实水平,你懂的,嘿 ^_^ 点击展开... 风过 说: 大诗人来啦,赶紧捧场。8过,感觉介84真实水平,你懂的。你打死我吧,嘿 ^_^ 点击展开... 好湿啊,好湿〜〜 btw,我不懂。
风过 说: 大诗人来啦,赶紧捧场。8过,感觉介84真实水平,你懂的,嘿 ^_^ 点击展开... 风过 说: 大诗人来啦,赶紧捧场。8过,感觉介84真实水平,你懂的。你打死我吧,嘿 ^_^ 点击展开... 好湿啊,好湿〜〜 btw,我不懂。
TIFF 晴空一鹤排云上~~遥引诗情到碧霄 VIP 注册 2011-09-16 消息 30,410 荣誉分数 5,901 声望点数 273 2013-08-21 #22 哈哈哈镜 说: a little correction, if u can't see that, it's called color blind. 点击展开... (☆_☆)
她二大爷 知名会员 注册 2013-08-05 消息 1,582 荣誉分数 751 声望点数 123 2013-08-21 #23 哈哈哈镜 说: a little correction, if u can't see that, it's called color blind. 点击展开... 她二大爷有一事不明,颜色不明的人开车政府是如何解决的? 请赐教.
哈哈哈镜 说: a little correction, if u can't see that, it's called color blind. 点击展开... 她二大爷有一事不明,颜色不明的人开车政府是如何解决的? 请赐教.
她二大爷 知名会员 注册 2013-08-05 消息 1,582 荣誉分数 751 声望点数 123 2013-08-21 #26 风过 说: 谁色盲啊? 点击展开... 盲字用起来不是很雅,可以取“色不明”或“颜色不明”更妥。
salas88 超版万岁万岁万万岁! 一统天下,万寿无疆! VIP 注册 2005-01-14 消息 18,869 荣誉分数 3,430 声望点数 373 2013-08-23 #28 精灵精灵 说: 淡淡的喜悦,清新活泼的画面,很好呀!欢迎常来! 点击展开... 这几个字怎么你说这么别扭
H huange 退休马甲 注册 2013-05-21 消息 1,754 荣誉分数 868 声望点数 163 所在地 八村 2013-08-24 #29 salas88 说: 这几个字怎么你说这么别扭 点击展开... 有什么别扭的,作为版主,她的意思是说: 欢迎经常来稿。。。