
最初由 Bubble 发布
My mother-in-law still ...Why do they look down people from other place...

Nice saying!

That's why I totally disagree with judging people by their hometown. This is totally irrational. We all hate discriminations, so let us not discriminate others.
就是这种可笑的小市民气搞坏了上海人的名声! 没办法!

最初由 Tom_Monkey 发布
You are jealous of Shanghainese
成兄, SAWOL, 不是针对你们, 但不可否认, 上海人在中国人中属比较特殊的一群人, 有一定的共同性. 以偏概全嘛, 不尽然.
单说上海人在一起一定讲上海话我相信有很多人都会反感. 我认识不少上海人(我堂妹就是上海生上海长大的), 个人感觉上海人细心, 谨慎, 过日子精打细算, 不喜欢管他人私事(不象北京人), 好耍小聪明并为此沾沾自喜. 以上仅代表我个人意见. :)
最初由 光头 发布
各位在渥太华的上海兄弟姐妹们是时候组织我们自己的团会了,只有上海人才知道咱们需要的是什么~~ 让那些老说上海人坏话的人敬而远之。
最初由 wei 发布

Nice saying!

That's why I totally disagree with judging people by th...
To wei only:

Yo.. I have never seen you spoke this much. Sth must got into you, Oh, gee! Don't bother to read those nonsense conversations, Some ppl just like to express their unbalanced feeling by offending other's, and then the others just starting depend themself. I say, If you don't like sb or sth, just do no business with them, Talking solves absolutely nothing.

who is the guy that bitches at you?!! what an idiot, let's go kick his ass. I got your back, boy... all the way back from here~_~
To wei only:

I agree with zifengzhao. Add on it: have you found a SH gf? ;)
做不了上海人说上海人是坏的。 大家都是从中国来的,同是身在他乡,同是龙的传人为什么在加拿大
这片土地上吵个你死我活呢??? 我想我们应该团结起来一起讨论如何在异国生活的更好,如何
最初由 ling 发布

这个自封赵的头脑实在不敢恭维! 一边说TALKING SOLVES NOTHING, 一边犹如抽水马桶哗啦哗啦.
还有这个什麽令的, 酸葡萄啊? 当真不怕板砖儿? :D 
最初由 sage 发布
这个自封赵的头脑实在不敢恭维! 一边说TALKING SOLVES NOTHING, 一边犹如抽水马桶哗啦哗啦.
还有这个什麽令的, 酸葡萄啊? 当真不怕板砖儿? :D 
请注意我写的是TO WEI ONLY
Johnny and Dragon girl,
Thanks a lot!
I just don't feel too good after seeing people bashing others for no reasons. Na B is a nice guy, I am just speaking for him.

dragon girl, I still don't have gf yet, do you know anyone available ? :)

I am stuck with my term paper right now, don't have much time for this. Talk to you guys later.

I know this is not a proper place to post personal messages, but did you do the same thing before?
So please bear with us and ignore all personal messages. Thanks