
一抹黑其实是很实在的, 报价$50-$500之间的活基本合理, 活做得也可以, 就是说话直了一点, 不会拐弯抹角.
我也是第一次去,怎么换机油(就是普通的) 收了 $30? 我也是换皮带,怎么收了 $120 多?
村长,你可能没注意到前面我查了 车皮带$60 + Tax, 人工5分钟,皮带就在停车场换的,共收我 $120;
我倒想看看是零配件价格差得多? 还是人工差得多?
Please tell me your car info, and we double check for you of what we did.

Please understand the labor charge for cars repair are mostly based on industry standard system.
If a car requires 4 hours to fix in actual time, if the book said we can only charge 2, we will only charge 2.
If the book said charge 0.5 hours to fix, and a skillful technical can finish in 5 minutes. It's just the skillfulness s/he has, and won't affect the labour we charge to repair
Please tell me your car info, and we double check for you of what we did.
Please understand the labor charge for cars repair are mostly based on industry standard system.
If a car requires 4 hours to fix in actual time, if the book said we can only charge 2, we will only charge 2.
If the book said charge 0.5 hours to fix, and a skillful technical can finish in 5 minutes. It's just the skillfulness s/he has, and won't affect the labour we charge to repair
Honda Accord, 4 cylinders. just changing engine belt and nothing else, even a test drive were omitted. As a result, the problem remains.
I agree with your service standard, say minimum 0.5 hours,that's what Honda would change.

But, my question remains. How come?
连皮带才收”几十块钱“,而我这仅仅5分钟的 labour 也收了几十块,大几十块?
And so does my suspicions towards those CFC appraisals!
We encourage to bring your car back for further inspection. If problem remains if our initial diagnostic was wrong, we will fit it until completely fix.

I understand you might already brought your car to other garages to fix, if you can provide an repair invoice, we will reimburse your expense if fault found on our part.
We encourage to bring your car back for further inspection. If problem remains if our initial diagnostic was wrong, we will fit it until completely fix.
I understand you might already brought your car to other garages to fix, if you can provide an repair invoice, we will reimburse your expense if fault found on our part.
您可能误解了。花个钱换了个新皮带本身没问题的,换完了你们没试开,责任也在我没有坚持请你们试开一下(当时因为急着要去接孩子), 也源自对你们的信任?
同样源自信任,也去你们那儿换了机油。 至于换什么样的油,我也没问你们也没说。 我想 ENGINE 盖子上刻着 5W20,你们肯定也会加这样的油吧?
我是看到CFC上这么多赞誉洋葱车行的帖子才去的,这种帖子时不时就出来了。 看到换四个轮胎那么大的活才收 $15, 就想当然的认为洋葱不光服务好,价钱也好!
我车子的毛病是在等红绿灯时,ENGINE 那里有时候有像小鸟叫的声音,于是就去了洋葱!
师傅看了,建议换个皮带。 后来在约好的那天就去了,车子就在停车场,师傅拿着皮带去,不到五分钟,好了。师傅连试一下看问题解决没有都没做。 收费 $120, 没给标准的收据保单。我开在路上才发现,这车子鸟声依旧。
看到昨天CFC又出现赞誉帖子了,我就有了个问号? 这洋葱服务到底有多好有多经济,带着这个问号去了 HONDA,请师傅查了,这个车型的原厂皮带多少钱?
师傅一查,写在 ORDER 单上的是 皮带+PART No: $60 + TAX, 且他们负责 Deliver。

我的皮带配件价格比你的低很多。 我们换的可能不是同一种皮带。

新皮带刚装上的时候紧,过会儿就会松,这样就有噪音。我也有类似的情况。洋葱店很热情地免费给弄紧了,就没事了, 而且让我在半年后换机油的时候提醒他们再检查一下,看是否要再紧一紧。

