请教,在哪里做Drive Clean Test?

顺便问一下, 据说现在都是直接读车里的computer, 那如果引擎灯亮是不是就过不了阿?
怎么解决, 亮了好几年了,修车师傅说不用修 ...
收到Service Ontario寄来的通知,又到了做Licence Plate Renew的时候了。老规矩,在此之前,先要进行Drive Clean Test。记得两年前我是在Cdn Tire做的,做完后,他们给一份试验报告,拿着它去Licence Office买Renewal Sticker。但通知上说,从今年起,改为从车上的电脑里直接读取。说是需要:1,泊车一小时。2,断开电瓶再接上。3,发动并空转两分半钟。4,上Highway跑10分钟。5,在Local Street跑20分钟。6,You can now go in for your test。
去哪儿做Test?车行?还是Licence Office?一头雾水。有哪位能给个指点,谢了。

I did one last week, no need so much 1 to 6.
I just drive to there and finished test in 20 minutes in their garage. I did it at
Guilbault Certigard

7 Carbrooke St, Kanata, ON K2L 1B1
Can I reset the computer before testing? From my experience, once reset, the check engine won't be back until a few days later.

I heard that, you need drive about 200km after reset the computer. Otherwise the code still there. However, it is not always working.
Good Lucky!
顺便问一下, 据说现在都是直接读车里的computer, 那如果引擎灯亮是不是就过不了阿?
怎么解决, 亮了好几年了,修车师傅说不用修 ...

I did one last week, no need so much 1 to 6.
I just drive to there and finished test in 20 minutes in their garage. I did it at
Guilbault Certigard

7 Carbrooke St, Kanata, ON K2L 1B1
Did they give you a writtern test report? And how much do they charge?
Did they give you a writtern test report? And how much do they charge?
yes. They gave me the report. It cost as standard charge -- every test center will charge same price, , $30-40(I could not remember)
Can I reset the computer before testing? From my experience, once reset, the check engine won't be back until a few days later.
After you reset the engine code, all history from ECM will be erased.
In order to check for emission, certain data needs to be read by the facility machine.

We can check the readiness of your car for emission free of charge.

We can arrange for the checkup, advice and test for the same charge (35+HST)

If engine light is on, we can sometime do some preparation works and pass the test without repairing it.

Bring it over and we will figure it out.
I heard that, you need drive about 200km after reset the computer. Otherwise the code still there. However, it is not always working.
Good Lucky!
Code will be erased and same as all driving history.