I transfer health, Europe to Corp bond and wait for a while. 3 weeks get 2.95%基金之间也是有区别的,以前老握着不管,损失很大,现在还有什么长期,都是一年一变。比如今年买去年表现还可以的Bond基金,几乎都是亏的,另外前两年表现不错的贵金属/能源/新兴市场类基金,今年都不好。TD的Health care基金,到今天YTD的回报已经52%,只可惜买的太少了,因为前几年它一直都没有涨。多伦多被抓的那个老唐,据说就是从2003年一直买能源和贵金属基金获取的第一桶金,后来胃口太大,想自己做,结果进去了。
I think TSX will reach its historic high which was created in June, 2008 this year...I want to find a chance to buy more XIU, XFN, and HXU, but market doesn't pull back a little bit moreTSX is still 10% lower than historic high, which recorded a few of years ago. I am still nibbling CDN stocks and funds.