
VIP GROUP BUY ADMIN is planning the Small/Kitchen Appliances Group Buy which includes pressure cooker as well, please send your request to VIP-GROUP-BUY@HOTMAIL.COM to register this group buy event. Thanks for your patience.
VIP GROUP ADMIN计划正在组织小厨房家电的团购(其中包括至少两款多功能电压力锅产品)。VIP ADMIN已经完成市场上主流的电压力锅品牌和型号的产品评估以及渥太华地区不同商家的市场评估,多谢大家的耐心等候。
VIP GROUP BUY ADMIN is planning the Small/Kitchen Appliances Group Buy which includes pressure cooker as well, please send your request to VIP-GROUP-BUY@HOTMAIL.COM to register this group buy event. Thanks for your patience.
VIP GROUP ADMIN计划正在组织小厨房家电的团购(其中包括至少两款多功能电压力锅产品)。VIP ADMIN已经完成市场上主流的电压力锅品牌和型号的产品评估以及渥太华地区不同商家的市场评估,多谢大家的耐心等候。
对Instant Pot那款7合1的很感兴趣
I have sent request a month ago. When do we expect to have the product ready for the new model? thanks,
I have sent request a month ago. When do we expect to have the product ready for the new model? thanks,