
对,,, 我的判断力 就是LULU不是我的菜,,我买股票 一般至少能让我放上三年以上。。 LULU 长期不看好。。短期 还是有机会的 毕竟在低点。。。

I don't do in-depth analysis. Investing is not an exact science. The analysts from Walll street will do all the hard work for us. I think in big pictures and look at a few key variables. Nowadays, it takes me less than 30 minutes to decide if a company is worthy to invest in. Most of time, I wait for a good price to increase the stake heavily to generate meaningful return.
I don't do in-depth analysis. Investing is not an exact science. The analysts from Walll street will do all the hard work for us. I think in big pictures and look at a few key variables. Nowadays, it takes me less than 30 minutes to decide if a company is worthy to invest in. Most of time, I wait for a good price to increase the stake heavily to generate meaningful return.
Last year, for index, one can get 30% return in us market, better than 收益总额位列所有对冲基金的第一位索罗斯. in canada, one can get 13% return in TSX.

" 据市场研究机构LCH投资公司的报告显示,在过去的一年中,索罗斯旗下的量子捐赠基金(Quantum Endowment fund)大赚55亿美元,收益总额位列所有对冲基金的第一位,连一直在对冲基金行业称雄的桥水基金也不得不甘拜下风。 这样的“成绩单”是2009年金融危机结束以来,量子基金最佳的全年收益。从1973年创立以来至今,量子基金共实现了近400亿美元的回报,目前旗下管理的资产规模为286亿美元。"
----- therefore:
在过去的一年中, 索罗斯旗下的量子捐赠基金286亿-55亿= 231亿, 55亿/231亿=24%. This is still lower than 过去的一年 S&P 500 = 29.60%. It is difficult to speculate the stock market, and the index fund looks to be a not-bad choice for average investors.
People tend to believe in what they WANT to believe. People try to find evidences to support who they already are.
I don't do that. I believe in objective facts and possibility for growth and always find ideas to become better.
I guess you are an indexer then you won't find this thread interesting.

Soros went off on his own in 1973, founding the hedge fund company of Soros Fund Management, which eventually evolved into the well-known and respected Quantum Fund. For almost two decades, he ran this aggressive and successful hedge fund, reportedly racking up returns in excess of 30% per year and, on two occasions, posting annual returns of more than 100%.

When Soros was offered an honorary degree from Oxford University and was asked how he wanted to be described, he is quoted as saying: "I would like to be called a financial, philanthropic and philosophical speculator." This surely sums up the life of George Soros, particularly if the adjectival phrase "very successful" is added to the description. "

Last year, for index, one can get 30% return in us market, better than 收益总额位列所有对冲基金的第一位索罗斯. in canada, one can get 13% return in TSX.

" 据市场研究机构LCH投资公司的报告显示,在过去的一年中,索罗斯旗下的量子捐赠基金(Quantum Endowment fund)大赚55亿美元,收益总额位列所有对冲基金的第一位,连一直在对冲基金行业称雄的桥水基金也不得不甘拜下风。 这样的“成绩单”是2009年金融危机结束以来,量子基金最佳的全年收益。从1973年创立以来至今,量子基金共实现了近400亿美元的回报,目前旗下管理的资产规模为286亿美元。"
----- therefore:
在过去的一年中, 索罗斯旗下的量子捐赠基金286亿-55亿= 231亿, 55亿/231亿=24%. This is still lower than 过去的一年 S&P 500 = 29.60%. It is difficult to speculate the stock market, and the index fund looks to be a not-bad choice for average investors.
索罗斯lost 100亿 from 144亿 around 2000's first market down, only 44亿 left at that time. His approach's risk made me be cautious on high-risk companies.

"I guess you are an indexer". No, I am not. My majority holding are dividend-related, avoiding high-risk companies, although index funds are also part of my favourite holding too, especially for calculated wide exposures such as at US, Europe, dividend, resource, and so on.

It looks that overall average return of high-risk of companies is not better than the overall average return of lower risk companies, even for experts with full time on this.
对,,, 我的判断力 就是LULU不是我的菜,,我买股票 一般至少能让我放上三年以上。。 LULU 长期不看好。。短期 还是有机会的 毕竟在低点。。。

"我买股票 一般至少能让我放上三年以上". I like this approach too.
索罗斯lost 100亿 from 144亿 around 2000's first market down, only 44亿 left at that time. His approach's risk made me be cautious on high-risk companies.

"I guess you are an indexer". No, I am not. My majority holding are dividend-related, avoiding high-risk companies, although index funds are also part of my favourite holding too, especially for calculated wide exposures such as at US, Europe, dividend, resource, and so on.

It looks that overall average return of high-risk of companies is not better than the overall average return of lower risk companies, even for experts with full time on this.

索罗斯只是一个成功的投机者。 要成为真正意义上的投资者, 跟他学没用。要学学Benjamin Graham, Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, John Keynes .学好这几个人的思想,综合起来就可以Beat index return了。 (At least +5% to 10%)
我不太着重dividend。我看total return. Total return 要看公司本身运作的ROI有多少,股票的ROI就跟着是多少。
索罗斯只是一个成功的投机者。 要成为真正意义上的投资者, 跟他学没用。要学学Benjamin Graham, Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, John Keynes .学好这几个人的思想,综合起来就可以Beat index return了。 (At least +5% to 10%)
我不太着重dividend。我看total return. Total return 要看公司本身运作的ROI有多少,股票的ROI就跟着是多少。

"索罗斯只是一个成功的投机者。" 是的, 至少不适合非专业普通投资者。 我对Benjamin Graham的理论很任同。读了不少 Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett写的和有关的东西, 但现在对理论是否适合非专业普通投资者仍在思考。
"索罗斯只是一个成功的投机者。" 是的, 至少不适合非专业普通投资者。 我对Benjamin Graham的理论很任同。读了不少 Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett写的和有关的东西, 但现在对理论是否适合非专业普通投资者仍在思考。


Margin of safety 这个概念很重要。掌握了,投资就成功一半了。
工程设计也用到这个概念。 Margin of safety高,出事故的风险就低了。