Re: Re: Re: 卖车
最初由 Accord 发布
你可以问问你说的这个车行,他的timing belt 是肯定没换的。还有多一个alarm 要至少$300
然后想想,即使车行给你$8300*1.15=$9545。 这个价钱我估计我忍忍也差不多了
Since you insist your point, I have to say something more.
1) For that car I mentioned, it is auto-transmition, your car is 5
2) That car has ET remote starter which you don't have.
3) That car has 7 mth warr., you don't have.
Thus, you only have an alarm, so I don't think you can have higher price. What is more, usually, dealers sell a car more expensive than personal because they earn money from the deal. If you sell it more than dealers, that means your price is too high. For the timing belt, nobody will drive a car for 136,000KM without changing timing belt. You know, it will damage the engine if the timing belt is broken, thus you will pay about $1,000 to have it repaired. That is why they always change it at 100,000KM. I don't think the dealer will sell a car without changing timing belt for 136,000KM and give their client a 7 monthes warr., unless they are fools!
I sold my car on this BBS, I understand seller's feeling. But the market is market, you have to lower your price unless you don't really want to sell your car!