聯合培靈會 - 突破與更新


2014年渥太華基督教國語聯合培靈會將於5月2-4日在主恩宣道會舉行(4 Thorncliff ) 。

培靈會由本地眾華人教會組成的國語聯合事工委員會主辦,榮幸地請到李秀全牧師 (Rev. Morley S Lee) 做大會講員。
本次週末培靈會的信息主題為:突破與更新 。三個晚上的培靈信息分別是:信仰的更新 (5月2日晚7:30-9:30), 合一的更新 (5月3日晚7:30-9:30), 事奉的更新 (5月4日晚7:30-9:30)聚會免費入場﹐三個晚上均有專門兒童節目和看顧﹐會後備有茶點招待,歡迎參加。
李牧师另有專題講座和座談會 (不設兒童看顧): 5月3日下午(星期六 2:00-4:00 pm) 講座 『四思而後言』, 5月5日上午 (星期一 9:30-11:30 am)與牧者傳道教會長執同工座談 『教會與宣教』

查詢 613 820-6774, www.eaco.ca


(a disclaimer is needed)

Disclaimer - The bible is a low quality fairy tale filled with hatred, violence, bloodshed, pornography and pure ignorance. Your mental health maybe endangered. Enter at your own risk.

(you are welcome)
(a disclaimer is needed)

Disclaimer - The bible is a low quality fairy tale filled with hatred, violence, bloodshed, pornography and pure ignorance. Your mental health maybe endangered. Enter at your own risk.

(you are welcome)
bible is not worth my time anymore, a book full of absurdities. if god had existed, he would have been the one who had committed unspeakable crimes against humanity.

god doesn't exist and bible is a fraud.
Too bad to hear that. Your life is limited to the physical side of the world. God is a spirit, and he can't be proved physically. You can only experience him with an open heart.
Too bad to hear that. Your life is limited to the physical side of the world. God is a spirit, and he can't be proved physically. You can only experience him with an open heart.

"When I was a kid, I used to have an imaginary friend. I thought he went everywhere with me. I could talk to him and he could hear me, and he could grant me wishes and stuff too. But then I grew up, and stopped going to church."
Too bad to hear that. Your life is limited to the physical side of the world. God is a spirit, and he can't be proved physically. You can only experience him with an open heart.
replace god with santa clause, you get the same idea.
bible is not worth my time anymore, a book full of absurdities. if god had existed, he would have been the one who had committed unspeakable crimes against humanity.

god doesn't exist and bible is a fraud.
You are hilarious. Whatever crimes committed by human beings are the responsibilities of human beings, not God's. Most of the sufferings we have are caused by our sins or Satan, not His fault.
This is a sinful world, that's why Jesus will come back again, to build a whole new world. God has his own plan, He doesn't just do whatever you want Him do, whenever you want it.
If you really open your eyes and your heart, you will be able to see how many times He has saved the life of so many people, including yours. If you read through the Bible carefully for a few times, you'll start to understand what His plan is.
You are hilarious. Whatever crimes committed by human beings are the responsibilities of human beings, not God's. Most of the sufferings we have are caused by our sins or Satan, not His fault.
This is a sinful world, that's why Jesus will come back again, to build a whole new world. God has his own plan, He doesn't just do whatever you want Him do, whenever you want it.
If you really open your eyes and your heart, you will be able to see how many times He has saved the life of so many people, including yours. If you read through the Bible carefully for a few times, you'll start to understand what His plan is.

I actually agree with you on whatever crimes that human beings commit are the responsibility of human beings, because there is no god.

god doesn't exist. it is only a man-made concept to fool the weak minds.
bible is nothing but a barbaric myth full of contradictions, killings, hatred and pornography. with the belief of god and the belief of the bible, crimes committed by humans can be more relentless and enjoyable.
We are not capable to understand everything in the bible. But my understanding is good enough to justify my faith. Due to the sinful nature, I did or could do any kind of bad things. I am no better than any others, but God is graceful. Jesus died for me. He was rised from death. He saved me. He sent Holy Spirit to me. He helps me to be away from my sin and releases me from self-righteousness. I am saved by faith, and not by what I do. My faith leads me to do good things to glory the Lord. The joy from the Lord is my strength. I desire to live by faith. What else is important? I have difficulties in life too, but my hope in Jesus is greater than my difficulties so that I can praise the Lord in difficulties.

People live by faith anyway. Their faith is just different from the Christian faith. For example, you may believe that tomorrow will be better, or worse. You believe you loved one will love you forever. You believe your job is secure, or insecure. You believe death is very far away from you. You believe in another religion. You believe that you will disappear after death. You believe more money will be better. You believe you deserve better than others. You believe you are a victim. Is your faith reliable? If you are not attracted by the Christian faith, you are attracted by something else (your tradition, your personal feeling, your personal religion/faith, or what others told you etc.). You may never really understand what Christian faith is about.

The following testimony is written by someone I don't know. May it helps a bit. True faith starts from a true seeker.

By Charles (of Ottawa)













