Welcome to Ottawa's premier travel agency for getaways to the Middle Kingdom. MidEarth Travel is a registered member of TICO and ACTA. We specialize in all-inclusive vacation packages to China and the rest of Asia, while also offering tour packages within Canada and the United States, European and Caribbean vacations, discounted flight booking, and hotel reservations. Please browse our full range of services, call us at 613.236.5226 for more information, and make your next vacation unforgettable with MidEarth Travel.
欢迎来到渥太华中环旅游,中环旅游是加拿大首都渥太华最有经验的华人专业旅游及地接服务公司, 是加拿大旅游协会(ACTA)及安省旅游协会(TICO)注册会员,是国际民航指定代理(IATA Agency)。本 公司因是注册旅游及巴士客运公司,所有接待车辆均有专门商业营运保险,公司提供从大小车接机, 长短途旅游,政府及商务考察,培训代表团接待,航空机票等全程配套服务。
中环旅游特别提供中国和亚洲地区度假服务,同时还提供加拿大,美国,欧洲及加勒比海旅游套餐。 公司提供世界各地打折机票和酒店预订服务,代理各种探亲及旅游保险,请致电 613.236.5226 获取 更多信息,谢谢。
North America - East
Destination Highlights: 目的地亮點
Toronto, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Montreal, Quebec City, Whale Watching
Maritime Provinces, Halifax, PEI, Peggy's Cover New York City, Boston, Washington DC,
千島湖,多倫多, 尼亞加拉大瀑布, 蒙特利爾, 魁北克城,聖勞倫斯河觀鯨魚 加東三省雙龍蝦遊,哈利法克斯,愛德華王子島,天涯海角 紐約,波斯頓,華盛頓,費城Philadelphia, Atlantic City
North America - West
Destination Highlights: 目的地亮點:
Vancouver, Victoria, Rocky Mountains, Banff National Park, Lake Louise Yellow Knife, Aurora Tour, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Yosemite National Park, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Florida, Disneyland
溫哥華,維多利亞港,班芙國家公園,落基山脈,路易斯湖 黃刀鎮看北極光 洛杉磯,聖地亞哥,舊金山,拉斯維加斯,大峽谷 佛羅裏達,迪斯尼樂園
North America - Hawaii
Destination Highlights: 目的地亮點:
Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Mini-Circle Island Tour, Polynesian Cultural Center Tour, Maui Island. 珍珠港、檀香山市內觀光及環島遊, 覽茂宜島,夏威夷大島
Discover China 探索中国
You've always wanted to, and now is the perfect time to do it. China is as fascinating and enchanting as always, and discovering it has never been easier. At MidEarth Travel, we combine professional expertise with a genuine understanding of China - its land, its people, and its culture. If you want to ensure that the trip of your lifetime is as well-planned and seamlessly executed as possible, choose MidEarth Travel today.
We currently have 2 offices in Ottawa and are continuing to hire for Travel Clerk Supervisor
Job Status/Type: Full Time, Permanent
Category: Retail / Travel industrial
Job title: Travel Clerk Supervisor
Status: Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
Work Experience: At least 1 year
Career Level: Experienced (Non Manager)
Education Level: College level Diploma
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Wage: $18.5 per hour
Check out the link below for more details: