爱在渥太华的日子 - 中年单身交友群

Last weekend, so many friends joined the party for so long well into the night. A pleasant day. :jiayou:

Welcome everyone, particularly men. Interesting that women are more active than men here.
Yes, I have. But as not many people in the group use it, email still dominates. Please email or QQH me with your basic info so as to add you to our list.

Good luck with your Romeo. :-)
本周末特别活动 ---

本来这周没有计划活动,但周六(7月19日)上午9点起,友邻的校友会将举办第13届“加华杯”六 人沙滩排球赛。我校有校友参加,我会前去加油。可能你的母校也有。如有兴趣,欢迎前往同乐。我们中/下午时可以看兴趣而定下一步活动。

请新朋友在此留言或Email, 以便告知详情, 到时大家相聚。

这里的夏季短暂, 不正如我们的青春? 所以抓紧时间,出来吧。让我们共会健康积极、充满活力的朋友,共享阳光、沙滩、和爱。
Coming back from the beach today, I became a "red" man. :-) (Skin turned red by the sun.)

As I will travel to Toronto later next week, we won't have activities next weekend. GTA has some good places, particularly in the summer. Welcome to Toronto too. Hope in the future I won't travel like a lone eagle any more.

Hope all of us can find the partner soon. :-)
本周六是七夕 - 中国的情人节,又是安省的长周末。对单身的我们,也正是互相安慰的聚会良辰。我准备去吃火锅,然后商量以后的活动,打牌或出外走走等,有些想法/计划。 有应和的吗?

夏天火锅虽不太应时,却也热闹,特别在这节日里,你说呢? 有想加入的,可留言或Email: sinceremba@gmail.com
