对于一些比较重的大件例如电冰箱,洗衣机,烘干机,每件要分开要加收20刀。 具体搬家费用计算: 光需要mover: 25刀 x 人数 x 小时 = mover+uhual: 30刀 x 人数 x 小时 + uhual费用 = 我们自备小推车,毛毯,家具膜,胶带,电钻,螺丝刀,所有Mover都已购买保险。
[FONT=微软雅黑]留学生搬家:[/FONT] 2015年开始,Asian Mover 特别推出留学生搬家专线,为Ottawa, Gatineau地区的留学生提供专业搬家服务,具体服务方式如下: 人力 25刀/时/人 Van使用费是30/次(一张ikea床,一张桌子(需拆解),一张椅子,以及一些细小东西,箱子)如东西多,须uhual. 所以您每次搬家费用总和为 25 x 人数 x 小时 + 30 = 全部费用
假如光用人力费用是 25 x 人数x 小时 = 全部费用
6137978019 小杨 Alex
E-mail: yangchenlong123@gmail.com (如咨询搬家价钱,请提前准备好您从哪搬到哪,有一些什么东西,什么时间搬,到时候告诉我们,我们进行估计)
-We do NOT charge travel time.
-We do NOT have minimum hours imposed.
-We do offer FLAT RATES based on the distance/amount of work, not in general.
-You only pay after job is done/item delivered.
-We ALWAYS show up on time as agreed, attend to each item with utmost care, wrap all fragiles and do not drag furniture or beddings.
Our rates are:
1 mover per hour - $25
2 movers per hour (without Uhaul) -$50
2 movers per hour (with uhaul) -$60
Items over 150lbs (Stove/Washer/Dryers/Refrigerator) -$20 each
Disassembly/Assembling of furniture etc -$20 (flat fee)
Right now, we can drive uHaul for a lot of clients, clients are supposed to pay the bill of Uhaul.
Contact: 613 797 8019( Asian Mover-Alex,speaks Chinese and English)