
The updated list of merchandisers under the discount card program:

1. 揚名樓Buffet ---------------- 10%, 613 228 - 0840

2. 景祥山莊 --------------------- 10% any meals, 613 228 - 8818

3. 三合酒家 ----------------------12%, 769 Gladstone Ave. 613 234 - 9379

4. 梅園酒家-----------------------10%, 613 234 - 6437

5. 喜洋洋酒家--------------------10%, 613 828 - 2181; 613 828 - 2168

6. 翠林菜館 ----------------------10%, cash only and not apply to DimSum, 613 233 - 0204

7. 江南麵館 -----------------------10%, 300 River Road, 613 521 - 2268

8. 四海一佳------------------------10%, cash only, 613 737 - 5588

9. 東方魅力禮品店--------------10%, 613 565 - 8838

10. 唐人街花店 -------------------10%, 613 725 - 2888

11. 真光眼鏡店 (T&T)----------after sale + additional 5%, 613 730 - 8188

12. 真光眼鏡 (唐人街 )---------after sale + additional 5%, 613 234 - 8188

13. 華夏旅遊 ----------------------6%, 巴士團和旅遊團, 613 238 - 5888; 613 238 - 6888

14. 豔豐鼎 -------------------------5%, 628 Somerset St. West, 613 233 - 0660

15. 怡昌堂藥房------------------- 5%, 613 237 - 4681

16. 陳皎君律師------------------- 10%, 200 Elgin Street, Suite 901, 613 235 - 2308

17. 陽光美容 --------------------- 5%, 613 841 - 3174; 819 360 - 3089

18. 研妝美容-----------------------5%, 613 680 - 1848

19. Daido Acedemy (大都學院) 10%, 613 986 - 9264

20. 中華導報 -----------------------10% - 30%, 看情況而定, Depends, 613 233 - 1034

21. 新華僑報 ---------------10% - 30% 613 225 - 4526

22. 健康時報 -----------------------10%, 613 288 - 8818

23. 渥京週末---------------------- 10%, 613 727 - 1999

24. MUKUT Restaurant --------- 15%, regular menu, 613 841 - 2223 ( East End )

25. MUKUT Restaurant ---------15%, regular menu, 613 789 - 2220 ( Downtown - Rideau St. )

26. 於輝中醫師 --------------------6%, 僅限於治療費, 613 825 - 9683

27. 風水-黃柏材師傅--------------20%, 613 225 - 1486

28. 康寧藥房 -----------------------10%, (Not applying to prescriptions), 613 234 - 7011

29. Zen Clinic ----------------------10%, 1278 Shilington Ave. 613 710 - 9555

30. 鹿燕中醫師 --------------------10%, 僅限於治療費, 613 686 - 1330; 613 697 - 6868

31. 姜婧女士 Centum ------------Mortgage or Loans 任何貸款: up to 100K, cash back $50; over 100K, cash back $100; 613 709 - 6780

(共31家商戶CONFIRMED and more to work by FOCCO Board in the near future )

FOCCO Board 2015年3 月份18日更新