What are Canada’s inheritance tax rates?
As there is no inheritance tax in Canada, all income earned by the deceased is taxed on a final return.
Non-registered capital assets are considered to have been sold for fair market value immediately prior to death. Any resulting capital gains are 50% taxable and added to all other income of the deceased on their final return where income tax will be calculated at the applicable personal income tax rates. They are taxed at the applicable capital gains tax rates.
The fair market value of a
Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) is included in the deceased person’s income and taxed at the regular applicable personal income tax rates with nospecial treatment for any capital gains earned within the RRSP or RRIF.
这是啥意思啊, 是不是说人死了最后要交一笔收入税? 房子就算当年卖掉了算当年的收入?