个人觉得还是有用的,make sense。。举个例子,几年前当教育局把katimavik的MFI迁到北面的wej和南面的bridlewood,这里就有个大讨论,当时人们就预测到2014 年 katimavik会走下坡,wej会上来。。去年wej 第一波mfi的学生参加六年级统考,katimavik失去跨区招生的优势。。结果的确如预测。。
个人觉得还是有用的,make sense。。举个例子,几年前当教育局把katimavik的MFI迁到北面的wej和南面的bridlewood,这里就有个大讨论,当时人们就预测到2014 年 katimavik会走下坡,wej会上来。。去年wej 第一波mfi的学生参加六年级统考,katimavik失去跨区招生的优势。。结果的确如预测。。
不开玩笑,这次背了全套Singapore math回来。。从一年级到六年级的算术课本。。。This comment is interesting indeed.
If you do a search on Canada failing at math, or Ontario failing at math, or Manitoba new curriculum. You should find a lot. A search on PISA scores and trends for Canada will help you. Ask any teacher about Mirian Small and they will know all about her. My neighbor is a teacher and he filled me in about it all and showed me some articles. It's astonishing and heart breaking that this is a failed social experiment and that our kids are suffering for it. Not the first time either. There was something called "open concept schools" where it was one big room for all grades. Failed miserably in the 1970's I think. There was "whole language spelling" after that. The kids were not taught how to spell. The theory was they would pick it up as they went. You can imagine how well that went! The answer was always, "you didn't do it right." Truth is, good direct instruction from a good teacher will always trump the crazy theories.