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可是官网上说护照需一年之内到期而且没有挂失过。 我能以什么样的理由来申请呢?
可是官网上说护照需一年之内到期而且没有挂失过。 我能以什么样的理由来申请呢?

I cannot tell you. But you read between the lines and find the solution yourself. :p
Simplified renewal process

Canadian in Canada or the United States
You are eligible for simplified renewal if:
  • you were at least 16 years of age at the time of your previous application;
  • your name on the application form is exactly as it appears on page 2 of the submitted passport;
  • you submit a previous Canadian passport that:
    • was/is valid for 5 or 10 years;
    • is not damaged;
    • was never reported lost or stolen; and
    • is still valid or expired for no more than one year.
What to submit
You must include the following in your renewal request:
  • a completed Simplified Renewal Passport Application (PPTC 054, PDF, 435 KB);
  • your most recent passport (still valid or expired for no more than one year. This passport will be cancelled at the time you submit your application and can no longer be used for travel.);
  • the required fee; and
  • two recent photos. The photos do not need to be signed by anyone, but on the back of one photo must appear:
    • the name and address of the photographer or studio, and
    • the date the photos were taken.
You do not have to resubmit proof of Canadian citizenship, supplementary identification or guarantor information.

I cannot tell you. But you read between the lines and find the solution yourself. :p
you submit a previous Canadian passport that:
  • was/is valid for 5 or 10 years;