
第一,是你的全责。第二。对方可能保警,也可能不保。看你的运气。他要报警的话,只要到警局备案就行。报警后拿到case number就可以走保险程序了。第三,就算他报警走保险,你的保险公司不会掏一分钱。大多数保险公司不会涨你的保险。由他去吧,该干嘛干嘛。

昨天我妈带着我女儿去超市买东西 可能大风 女儿又在闹 车门打开时撞到旁边的车上 可能花了那么一点 车主硬要向我妈拿车保险的资料 我妈英文不好又要顾着孩子 情急之下没跟他理论就给他了 没报警察
各位知道这种情况他有权自己向保险公司索赔吗 据我听说停车场发生事故一般都是双方责任对吗
If it was at parking lot, it would be 50-50 to both side. Do not give him money! If he put thru claim to his insurance company, he would pay deductible (whatever the amount on his auto insurance policy). His insurance company will contact your insurance company. then your insurance company will contact you. since you probably wont do any claim, you wont pay any $. And, it wont affect your premium next year.
If it was at parking lot, it would be 50-50 to both side. Do not give him money! If he put thru claim to his insurance company, he would pay deductible (whatever the amount on his auto insurance policy). His insurance company will contact your insurance company. then your insurance company will contact you. since you probably wont do any claim, you wont pay any $. And, it wont affect your premium next year.
If it was at parking lot, it would be 50-50 to both side(错). Do not give him money!(错) If he put thru claim to his insurance company, he would pay deductible (whatever the amount on his auto insurance policy)(错). His insurance company will contact your insurance company(错-楼主母亲已经承认责任,不需联系). then your insurance company will contact you(错). since you probably wont do any claim, you wont pay any $(对). And, it wont affect your premium next year(错).
我不是没给车做过body 多少钱我心里有底 也不是不给他修 现在是当时他不要钱在那大吵大闹吓着小孩 我觉得这点小事真没必要 反正他要保险资料也就给他了 我是想问有没有人知道如果没报警的情况下能不能直接向保险公司索赔


修过的车跟没修过的车不一样好么,有的时候你给多少钱都弥补不了人家觉得这tmd不是original paint的心理